Monday, 14 March 2016

Help! Christopher Woerner! NEW FUN NEEDED!

Okay, I'm going to reply to Erick on the Impossible Things to Believe Before Breakfast but this is going to get really, really, unhappy, really, really quickly, especially since I'm going to be going one at a time/one per day (my right wrist isn't completely crippled but this is virtually all being typed left-handed.

And this is really all I have to say about them no matter how much the COMMENTS sections fill up with Feminist Theocracy cant.

So, Christopher Woerner -- can you post your NEW FUN blog post from pages 6-10 with the John Byrne/Dave Sim/Todd McFarlane/Canada conspiracy theory?  It would be nice to have SOME. FUN. AROUND. HERE. SOME. WHERE.

And let me just interject that LE BEAVER was the name of the "arch-rival" zine to COMIC ART NEW & REVIEWS back in the early 70s.  How does that affect your theory vis-a-vis the Le Beaver character that appeared in HOWARD THE DUCK?


James said...

"And this is really all I have to say about them no matter how much the COMMENTS sections fill up with Feminist Theocracy cant"

Doing just a bang up job of convincing us you're open minded and willing to defend your beliefs there Dave. You spend a whole post talking about how closed minded it is to shut comment threads because of your pluralistic views and then you post something that boils down to "I will not even consider the possibility I am wrong about anything in these posts no matter what you say in the comments."

You've dismissed everyone who disagrees with you as an evil feminazi before they've even responded.

Barry Deutsch said...

Given how hard it is for him to type, it seems totally reasonable for Dave not to want to respond, or to limit his participation.

(I mean, it would be reasonable regardless. No one's obliged to argue with anyone else. But it's ESPECIALLY reasonable given Dave's wrist problems.)

James said...

That's a valid reason. Whining about how everyone who will inevitably disagree with you are evil feminists is being just as close-minded as people who dismiss everything Dave says as being the rants of an evil misogynist.