Thursday, 17 March 2016

Impossible Things #3 and 4

Impossible Things To Believe Before Breakfast:
3. A woman's doctor has more of a valid claim to participate in the decision to abort a fetus than does the father of that fetus.
4. So long as a woman makes a decision after consulting with her doctor, she is incapable of making an unethical choice.


Hi Erick!

Trying to keep this to a 2+2=4 self-evident level:

2+2=4:  Every baby that has been born, is being born and ever will be born is formed of 23 male-originating chromosomes and 23 female-originating chromosomes.  There is no such thing as a 19-27 or 26-20 baby.  Every baby is a 50-50 proposition between the two genders. No baby can be created, has been created or ever will be created without a FULL 50% contribution from a man.

2+2=4: As per THE LAST DAY [p.32], we know for a fact that a baby constructs ITSELF in the womb past the four-cell division stage.  It is not part of its mother's body.  The best description of it is, as I described it, a Gruesome Parasite.  It knows what it needs from the mother's body to generate its physical self according to its autonomous, "on-board" internal 23-23 roadmap and it TAKES those things.  Its mother doesn't GIVE anything to it.  It TAKES it.  It's programmed to do that.

2+2=4: If it was part of its mother's body the baby would be a replicant.  If there are incidents of a mother reproducing herself in exact form, they are anecdotal anomalies on a cosmological scale.  The fact that every baby that has been born, is being born and ever will be born is NOT a replicant, the fact that every child, ever born, that is being born or ever will be born -- even (or, in this case, I should say ESPECIALLY) to the same parents -- is an entirely UNIQUE being in its physical attributes is proof positive that EVERY baby is a unique 23-23 "program" combining the father's unique one-time-only 23 chromosomes with the mother's unique one-time-only 23 chromosomes.

2+2=4:  If the ACTUAL goal in our society WAS equality between the genders then Equal Reproduction Rights would be foundational and self-evident within our legal system. My unique "one-time-only" 23 chromosomes gives me a 50% stake in THAT SPECIFIC baby if I impregnated you.  Your 23 chromosomes give you a 50% stake in THAT SPECIFIC baby by virtue of it growing out of your egg.  There is no sign of this in our laws in the G7 countries.

[What is required is not only Equal Reproduction Rights but Equal Reproduction Responsibilities.  At the bare minimum medical histories being provided.  It is ludicrous to have even the concept of "an anonymous sperm donor" when the first question any doctor is going to ask you is, "Is there a history of this in your family?" He's not an anonymous sperm donor, he's a father.  Whomever you are discussing he is 50% responsible for that person's existence and any RATIONAL LAW will reflect that.]

[it was a nice Feminist Theocracy fallacy to think that fathers could just be "wished away" through anonymous sperm donorship and adoption.  What we've found instead is that EVERYONE understands the 23-23 construct EXCEPT feminists.  Everyone wants to know who their mother AND father are.  Because they know that's who THEY are: 50-50]

2+2=4: The fact that we don't have Equal Reproduction Rights for the father and mother is what tells us that we are not living in a democracy interested in enshrining Equality between the genders in its laws. We are living in a Feminist Theocracy which will not countenance nor consider nor discuss anything short of absolute ownership and control of babies and reproduction by women.  Period.  Full stop.

That's where we are and that is, in my view, fundamentally, inescapably, self-evidently WRONG.


Bill Ritter said...

"2+2=4: Every baby that has been born, is being born and ever will be born is formed of 23 male-originating chromosomes and 23 female-originating chromosomes. There is no such thing as a 19-27 or 26-20 baby. Every baby is a 50-50 proposition between the two genders. No baby can be created, has been created or ever will be created without a FULL 50% contribution from a man."

This is not technically true: "every".

Biological errors can happen. Chromosomal abnormalities ("trisomy", ex: trisomy 21 have Down syndrome). More extreme abnormalities, trisomy 13 or 18, rarely live more than a few days or months from birth.

However, to blanket statement "every baby...." and the 23-23 split is factually, not factual.

Not quite 2+2 = 4.

Erick said...

I will just say this is response: When the day arrives that the male who contributed his '23' undergoes the same extreme physical, emotional and hormonal changes - Good Lord who would not pay to see Dave Sim experience pregnancy hormonal changes? Coupled with the real danger of potential permanent physical damage not to mention death, then perhaps Dave's 50/50 argument can be revisited.
Human equality is not and should not be based upon any undo weight given to the unique aspects of each gender nor to any weight penalized because of gender

Sandeep Atwal said...

On a somewhat-but-not-really-related topic:

Ohio babies born into addiction up 750 percent

iestyn said...

I'm with Erick - this is a VERY one-sided and blinkered opinion.

The argument put forward is not for the choice of child OWNERSHIP, it is for the choice of a woman to OWN HER OWN BODY.

She is the individual who will carry that child. It is her body that provides the sustenance that the baby takes and it is her body that takes on that toll. As the old wives tale goes 'A tooth for every child'

She is also likely to be the individual who will be made responsible for that child passed the birth.

Also - it is interesting that Dave believes that - where a 50:50 split exists it allows 1 individual to impose their decisions upon another individual. If we're arguing democracy - it seems, to me, that Dave is just arguing for an inversion that still favours only one person.

Anonymous said...

Intellectualize it as much as you want. Abortion is still murder.

--Claude Flowers