Having ensured that there is no environment for men where women don't
belong (see no.6) it is important to have zero tolerance of any
expression or action which any woman might regard as sexist to ensure
greater freedom for everyone.
Okay. 2+2=4. For most of our civilization's history, Work Outside the Home Jobs belonged to men and Work Inside the Home Jobs belonged to women (with the notable exceptions of nursing and teaching and secretarial jobs).
It certainly takes no shortage of chutzpah for the Feminist Theocracy to not only decide that AT LEAST 50% of all Outside the Home jobs belong to them, but -- having moved in -- that they want to dictate terms on what is approved of and disapproved behaviour and conduct in the environment they invaded. I say this with no small affection and much wry amusement (which I think is the general masculine reaction: very much "You couldn't make that up").
I do think it's getting out of hand which is what happens when you let wry amusement and chivalry override both common sense and "I think I know where this is going."
The Feminist Theocracy usually signals a major bloodbath by changing the name of whatever it is where the bloodbath is going to occur. In this case, changing "Personnel Director" to "Human Resources Director". I wondered aloud to Sandeep about how many "HRD's" are women and, evidently, he found an online statistic that it's 93%. No big surprise.
I think we all know the difference between a Personnel Director -- someone who finds the right person for the right job -- and a Human Resources Director -- who is as much concerned with being an Orwellian Thought Police tyrant as trying to find the right person for a job.
It's really unhealthy but as long as 93% of them are women, I think that's going to be a given.
And as long as we live in a Feminist Theocracy, that isn't going to change.
Hey, Dave, remember when I told you, back in the 90s, about the female "Human Resources *Officer", who was making life difficult for me when I was complaining about my gay boss hitting on me (and others)?
You laughed, and then said, "That's what they're calling themselves nowadays? Officers?!?"
The caravan rolls on...
Well, if a gay guy was hitting on Jeff, I think we can safely say that homosexuality is inborn and not a "choice", right? ;)
Here is what I said about #6
There may be people who argue that, but there are also people who argue the earth is flat. They have a right to an opinion, but you do not have to give it credence, nor do they represent the majority.
As for #10, the same holds true only in the reverse. That is: Only Dave Sim (and a few sycophantic others) really believe that such a condition exists in the majority. Oh, there doubtless are some women and some men who may think that way, but they are far, far from a majority. And the same 'flat earth' comment holds true for them.
BTW for those of us who have held real jobs most of our lives - and I am not including my 12 years in the service, guess which department gets hits first and hardest when layoffs role around? Ill give you a hint. its H.R.
make of that what you will
"For most of our civilization's history, Work Outside the Home Jobs belonged to men and Work Inside the Home Jobs belonged to women (with the notable exceptions of nursing and teaching and secretarial jobs)."
[citation needed]
Mitch Grady.
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