Thursday 2 March 2017

"Cerebus In Hell?" Parody Covers: Part 5

Send your parody covers to: momentofcerebus [at] gmail [dot] com!  

Tim! Here are the final versions of my parody covers. I'm not a Photoshop expert so they may look a bit rubbish compared to Sandeep and Benjamin's efforts but my heart's in the right place... I decided to change the backgrounds to keep the images in line with the CIH? theme... As usual, my efforts will probably be ignored/overlooked by everyone on the site except for Dave Sim and your good self... sigh...


Gary Boyarski said...

I like the "Smelly Fur" idea. That reminds me, I've got another batch of these to send in that I think you guys are going to enjoy.

Anonymous said...

I'm liking how well these covers come together with the addition of the Dore images as backgrounds and/or image elements. The Love and Aardvarks and Unbeddable Vark covers made me laugh. (Although I might get rid of the hand at the bottom of Love and Aardvarks. It distracted me from the joke.) (And cast shadows can be easily created in the f/x panel at the bottom of the layers pallet.)

I too have been working on more covers, but they are mostly in my head, and far from ready for sending. It's been a busy week.
-Benjamin Hobbs

Jim Sheridan said...

It would be cool to see you Photoshoppers tackle some classic album covers next!!

Lee Thacker said...

Thanks, Gary and Benjamin. I'd like to apologise for the whiny/self pitying tone of the message I sent to Tim which appears above these images. They were great fun to do and Tim's kind enough to showcase them on his site - that should be enough.

Sandeep Atwal said...

Ha, the Smelly Fur one is good.

Unknown said...

I was talking to Matt Demory, my rep at Diamond yesterday, and talking a bit about the "AARDVARK VANAHEIM YOUR #1 PUBLISHER!! ALL WE PUBLISH ARE #1s!" program...

[we can't really afford a monthly colour ad, but I thought if we did "THIS MONTH" and "NEXT MONTH" in a bi-monthly ad, it would be worth the cost as an experiment. Sandeep has a rough of the ad and will be working on it. We definitely want a template ad we can just plug the two latest covers into while advertising the CIH? back issues with their order codes at the bottom of the ad]

...and mentioned that the fans were pitching in at A Moment of Cerebus coming up with a lot of great ideas #1 cover ideas. We talked for a couple of minutes and he laughed and said "I like the LOVE & AARDVARKS one". I forget that you can Go Right There in this day and age.

Matt Demory likes LOVE & AARDVARKS? Whoa, me too in that case!! So I pulled out my copy of Todd Hignite's JAIME HERNANDEZ book (which Todd was nice enough to send me: he's one of my contacts at Heritage Auctions) and started going through looking for gag ideas. I've got two solid ones and one with definite potential. One more and that one's a "go".


What about if you had a word balloon going down off the cover next to the hand: "HIM! THAT'S THE ONE WHO TOOK MY IPOD!" Yes? No?

Lee Thacker said...

Thank you Sandeep, Dave and Matt. I'll tidy up the Love And Aardvarks cover and add the extra word balloon.