There's more auctions up at ComicsLink. (Twenty days to go!)
Greg Hyland is Kickstartering the second volume of the Monster Atlas, and if he gets four grand, it'll have Gerhard art like the first volume. (Forty-Two days left, $2019 left to get the Gerhard.)_______________________________________________________________________
If you're waiting for a Indiegogo live for the Postcard Kickstarter, like the one for the birthday card Kickstarter, I don't know if there will be one. (But there should be a second Postcard in a few months.)
I'll be discussing the remastered Volume 1, which is available digitally for $9.99, eventually. (Like I did yesterday.)
And The Jaka's Story remaster won't get a Starcode number until the April previews is out, so hopefully next month. (This month?)
The Great 2019 a Moment of Cerebus Re-Read
Continuing with Year Three:
So, the big problem here, is that I just want to run every page, unbroken non-stop for issue after issue after issue...
I know I kinda rushed through "The Palnu Trilogy", but that's only because I wanna get to the next Motif:
You ain't going nowhere boy!
Cerebus spends sixty pages in Palnu, and leaves and never wants to go back, yet:
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Just look at that, the 17th printing is just the "bees' knees"... |
The same thing happens *SPOILER WARING* at the end of High Society, with Iest.
Square One
As I've already said, the "Cerebus in Silhouette" endings continue through this next arc:
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Cerebus' "Champion" ending. |
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"Fluroc" ending |
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"She-Devil in the Shadows" ending |
But back to "Champion":
So the bit right before this does a little Tarimite world building. But I'm stopping myself from posting the entire issue.
Anyway, Commander Krull is Conan. He looks like Conan. Slightly older, but he's Conan.
Next Time: Hobbs! (He's gonna thank you for buying a postcard...)
The thing I'm enjoying most out of this reread, maybe even more than Matt's banter, is watching the evolution of Dave's lettering skills. It's really amazing the leaps and bounds he's making issue by issue. This is the first time I've been even remotely cognizant of that particular progression.
I'm not a big fan of the wandering story in these issues. Cerebus's sudden desire to invade Palnu seems more like an excuse to work in some more Lord Julius scenes than any great plot idea, and we never see the T'Gitans ever again. The art is getting better and better, but story-wise this sequence of issues declines a bit from the Cockroach & Palnu issues. Maybe it's the aspect of slowly laying the groundwork for something that's then entirely abandoned. Maybe the point was to establish that there's significant stuff going on outside of Cerebus's (and the reader's) view, but it just reads as if Dave had nowhere to go with the plot and found a memorable but still unsatisfying way to drop it via the excellent Mind Game and the jump back to Beduin.
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