This is just a quick reminder that Dave Sim will be live on Kickstarter for the last two hours of THE @#$%ING FLIMSY POSTCARD FROM HELL? NO. 2 Kickstarter: That's 2PM to 4PM Eastern Time, 1PM to 3PM Central Time, 12PM to 2PM Mountain Time and 11AM to 1PM Pacific Time. All other times zones should consider the madness of Daylight Savings Time being observed in some places and not others and just go ahead and post your questions for Dave early.
Hey hey!
Somebody momented for me!
Score one for the Home Team!
Hi, Everybody!
This stuff:
Jeff Seiler is winning the Green Dante/Green Virgil Cover for $1300 (US)! If you want in on this action, just comment on this post, or e-mail As Dave said, the auction ends next week Friday at Midnight (CDT). To prevent douchebaggery, I'm limiting the bidding to WHOLE US Dollars, in FIVE DOLLAR INCREMENTS. So if you wanna make Seiler lose his faith in humanity, you gotta come up with at least thirteen hundred and FIVE bucks (You Ess.). After the deadline, I'll contact the winner and figure out how we're getting Dave his money. (Seiler suggested that the increase should be in FIFTY dollar increments, and as much as I wanna get Dave mo' money, I was trying to eliminate the one penny douches...)___________________________________________________
The remastered Volume 1 is available digitally for $9.99.
If you got a couple of extra bucks and want to do a fellow Cerebus fan a solid, frequent commentator Mike Battaglia has a go fund me here.
Friend to the Blog, and the guy who sets his phasers to the Light Side: Steve Peters has another Kickstarter going. (I have a joke in one panel.)
Speaking of the Latest Kickstarter,
Heir to the throne: Eddie Khanna sent in a funny lil' strip about the FIRST Postcard From Hell?:
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Click for bigger(?) |
Where did the little Cerebus and Batvark come from, you ask?
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Ben Hobb's nightmares, Ben Hobb's nightmares... |
UPDATE: It's over. $1900 (US) from 90 backers.
I faxed Dave, and he replied:
Thanks Matt. I just checked out the link and it also talks about the LGBTQ issue of CIH? I didn't know what Q meant. So I looked it up. Everyone, I know that Matt got some trouble with this issue, but let me add that he's not too wrong about the length and meaning of the names getting strange.
In real life it's now longer than LGBTQ. It use to be LGB I think. The sites I checked today were all from three years ago. It's probably now longer. They mostly all say that the total letter length may be the longest of its kind, and there's many other letter variations or almost half of the letters of the alphabet.
"LGBTIQCAPGNGFNBA. Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Intersex, Queer, Curious, Asexual, Pansexual, Gender-non-conforming, Gender-Fluid, Non-binary, and Androgynous."
Will Dave start being live on that link campaign page at those times? Only what's there is there right now. Or do you mean the comments section or what? Only backers can comment and see them. Do you mean anyone can see and comment to Dave today, or only backers? Thanks. In the past when others have said to follow Dave's almost now daily new comments on there, I didn't know if they or you for that or this meant the living the line site, or what you're talking about. But, I have seen Dave's comments. Thanks.
If Eddie's strip is too small for you to read, sound off, and I'll see if I can make it bigger-er.
(Off to Kickstarter, for some ANARCHY!)
Thanks David. Before comments haven't worked for me at all and I couldn't see them. But today just now I could see them but couldn't comment. Before seeing your reply I started an account but it said only backers could comment. I understand. I see all of you and Dave are talking now.
Man Wolf found a moon rock before he became that, when working for NASA I think, and he made a necklace out of it and changed. In Spiderman the movies back in 2001-07, I thought they were working up to that with having him be mentioned working for NASA. In 3 I thought what turned the other guy into Venom, would've tied in with something the other brought back from the moon. But instead a meteor did it.
There's a thought. Could or did Jingles ever have any space trips? Did he drink Tang? I just checked out our dog's dogfood and it says it's made with beef, turkey, chicken, blueberries, carrots, pecans, potatoes, celery, green beans, and more. I told the owner and he said, the dog's eating better than us. It's not dog food. It's Thanksgiving dinner.
I'm just seeing the question there about Jingles' father. Any chance of a Vark Wars tie in joke there? J. Jingles Jingleson or Cerebus wearing that Santa Clause outfit from the World's Finest parody cover I think, and saying, "Jingle's I am your father." Or was Dave saying no to anything about what you were all saying, with the Groucho quote? If you want David, and
anything you think's good enough to add to the talk, please ask for me. Thanks.
That was fast Matt. You had my question posted there right after I posted it here. Thanks. Dave, am I wrong you think for wanting to be known as H on the LBGTQ thing? Heterosexual. I'm joking, but that's not on there. Or single. Normal. It seems that would be an abomination to them. Do you think they'll just use all of the alphabet eventually or do you think some letters belong to God, and some to YHWH like they're using? Thanks. Hey that reminds me. All of your commentaries on A Moment of Cerebus are talking lately about YHWH and the Psalms and stuff. I looked up your next one for tomorrow about Eccleasistes and it's all about God. Does that mean you think that's an all God one or not? Or do I have to wait til tomorrow to find out? Not big on church and all that, but just curious. If this doesn't tie in here, sorry.
Benjamin asked, "I think the REAL question is for Dave is this: can there be multiple Spider-Varks running around CIH?"
Benjamin are you kidding? It can be like Crisis from DC in the mid 80s and whatever later tie in. Think the LBGT Q Vark continuum from Star Trek the Next Generation. To boldly go where no aardvark has gone before. If any of this seems non important Matt, please leave it out. I trust your judgement. Thanks.
Benjamin just asked, "Even better: Edge of the Spider-verse. Edge of the Vark-verse?"
Benjamin, the final frontier. I was actually thinking of the Spiderman clone saga too Matt, but forgot the name. Thanks.
Are there any iconic covers to parody there?
Matt thanks and please don't post this there, but $6.00 or anything really? I don't have a credit card. Do I need one? I liked the to Hazel with love? thing you said, like CIH? I guess.
Um...I think you DO need a credit card. I can't remember if they do Paypal. Amazon pay, maybe?
(Well, if I type "From:" "(with love?)" usually follows in my mind, so...)
Matt and Hobbs, I got it, the giant size DC parody of the superman and Spiderman crossover. Thanks Dave.
Are we still doing this? My clock still says 2 minutes to go? Thanks again everyone. As to Dave saying he at first mistaked me as David Johnson for the birthday fax I sent him because I included a verse sounding like what Dave said in his 18 pg letter guess (thats scary, I liked all this.
Thanks Matt. I know it's over now and this is my final comment here. Dave was talking about the Citizen Kane movie still I sent him. I added in everyone, with a photo shop thingee, of Cerebus over a photo of I think of Charles Foster Kane's parents. The scene is right before someone grabs the sled and throws it in the fire. I sent it to Dave, David Birdsong, and Matt.
At first David B didn't get the image. When I resent it he did. I don't know about Matt. It looks like maybe Dave didn't or couldn't see it. Faxzero which I used is nice and says pictures might not send well like that. It was a joke. I'm wondering now if Dave got that or not.
I'm not sure what David J meant. Yes one of my questions for your next Please Hold for Dave Sim and today's Eccleasiastes question were influenced by David being here before (The 666 one), and the one verse in the fax I admit did come from him that he said he was sending Dave. I thought it was funny. Please tell Dave that Matt.
I'm not talking to David J. anymore for obvious reasons. I love him but he does need prayer and God. I don't know. If any of you here really are Christian, then please pray for him. Maybe it's worked so far. At least he stopped commenting. But he needs some kind of help like Damian said. I also noticed Dave avoided the God questions today unless he missed them, which I admit's odd if Dave likes God like he says. But again, I'm not into the whole church thing and stuff.
On second thought Matt, no. Just forget my David J questions and related David J stuff for Dave. I know Dave knows it was a mistake. Forget all my past questions for the next please hold. But do let me know if there's an oversized (That's what I meant earlier) Super Cerebus versus Spider Vark 1976 like DC parody issue of CIH? Do you think Dave could do an issue that large? What were those? 11"× 17" size?
Man just when you think it's safe to go back into the waters here...Daws shows up. (David said his name in Hebrew is Daw or something). Now nexr Matt's going to post that trancript of the last Please Hold for Dave Sim. Don't be sorry to not please again Matt with not highlighting anything this time.
Tell me it will be in 3-D? Oh that was Daws 2. David Birdsong, any chance we can do a 3-D cover CIH? The Aardvark From the Black Saloon. The Wizard of AV (The Wizard of Oz was first in 3-D). Friday the 13th Spider Vark in 3-D. I can see Dave making jokes about this on the cover. What about a see thru cover for an Invisible Cerebus Woman FF parody? Help a girl out here. There could be no cover. Get it? It's invisible! Ha ha ha! Or other gimmick covers making fun of the 90s gimmick covers and stuff. Ok I've wearied Matt and all you enough.
Part 1
To some of the AMOC readership and anyone else needed, I want all of you to know that I've been using the name Hazel Poni lately to see what I could about your true thoughts on God and Dave Sim. I previously told Dave by letter I was doing this, but not the name. Since he was about to find out on his own it appears with today noticing I said the same thing about something as Hazel on the live kickstarter, I knew it was time to tell you. I never was trying to get a different answer out of Dave Sim or David Birdsong or such, because them I trust. I've said such in a new postcard for David to mail this Tues., and in Dave's new letter for next Mon.
The experiment did show that some who normally wouldn't talk to me did, and I still think Brian Coppola doesn't like God or Dave's belief in God. You asked for evidence Matt and Carson:
"My commentary on the conundrum of creators and their creations continues (why it is I love those pages).
The underlying assumptions in taking the leap of faith are ultimately hypocritical as long as you make the assumption that there is “creator;” I just do not think you can escape it and I think that these compositions point right at it. You are simultaneously saying you cannot know the mind of creator, by definition, because creators live one dimension up from you, and yet your leap of faith is predicated exactly on a belief you have in the intent of creator (your faith is always in something).
When you elect to believe in “creator” (a definite article or possessive pronoun is intentionally missing, by the way, as “a” or “the” or “my” or “your” or “their” all cause the reading of this text to differ wildly), you make some assumption(s) about the morality of creator, and (the point was made, clearly and strongly at the end of issue #200) you are never really thinking it is a guy at a drawing board who mocks you as an ultra-maroon. Whatever choice you make about yourself, and your behavior, is predicated on some assumption you make about that creator’s morality (applying your rules about the way reality operates about a dimension you cannot comprehend and therefore cannot know)… Or, alternatively, there is no free will at all: you are not making choices at all because you are strictly a scripted creation at the end of creator’s pen nib, brush, and whim. Baby, you were born that way."
Part 2
Matt, also I looked back and saw that I was wrong about Dave asking you to post more than one commentary a week. It was an un named one commenting on the 2nd commentary post you posted for Dave starting in John's gospel, before the ones that began the current commentaries. Also, I saw the interview you posted of Dave and Steve Peters from 2003 about God. Thank you. I liked that. Before showing the next links, let me say everyone that looking at it totally again, that I now see that Matt's final say on the Ethan Van Sciver and Dave Sim debate, showed that he gave them his honest review of it, and he didn't as I'd said before straightaway conclude Dave was bad and that he needed to cut him off. He was human and showed that he started to doubt him, but in the end he used the right thinking and based his thoughts on love. I'm sorry Matt.
From AMOC Sep. 6, 2018 :
"I dunno Dave, looking around the internet, it seems that Ethan Van Sciver and #ComicsGate are not the kind of people or institutions I’d wanna associate with. Which, if YOU are, I would be forced to be, in promoting any work you’re involved in on AMOC... I'm formulating my response. As some fans/supporters have already decided that if Dave's "in", they're "out", I'm taking submissions of CONCRETE EVIDENCE of ComicsGate (in general) and Ethan Van Sciver (specifically) being..."No-goodniks""
From AMOC Nov. 20, 2018 by Matt Dow :
"When Dave called, I wasn't quite there mentally enough to explain the "If Dave's in Comicsgate, I'm out" position. Mea Culpa. I tried. But, really I was in a state very VERY similar to the one Terry Jones was in when he wrote Douglas Adam's Starship Titanic (ya gotta look it up...)."
Carson I'm glad you showed some support of me to Hazel, but concerning Brian, Gerhard, and your Take On Me story and title, I'll also tell you what Jesus told Judas and the soldiers who came to arrest him. "Have I not told you here I am? If you want me, here I am, but let these little ones go so that scripture may be fulfilled." Since I don't want to be a liar by keeping on here, and since I know that most of you love to have it your way, I will now leave. Peace.
Some thoughts:
1) I called it, quite a while back. The green-brown equine was DJ.
2) He's still THE king of run-on sentences and, now the Prince of non-sequitors.
3) Matt is the King and Prince of putting up with people, just like Dave. I know this from personal experience. (Yes, Damian, I do know both Dave AND Matt, personally.)
4) DJ, in my considered opinion (being a psychologist and a proofreader and a writer), is (cue Dave's Epic Magazine take on Sheerluck Holmes, Matt), BF Crazy.
5) Thanks for being honest, DJ.
Okay. And, peace to you, DJ.
A very wise man once quoted to me: "A strange game. The only winning move is not to play." Advice I whole-heartedly agree with, and pass along to the rest of you.
Matt Dow
Interim Editor,
A Moment of Cerebus
Heads up, Dame, who constantly accuses me of being a Dave Sim sycophant: Apropos of nothing in particular, I think it's cute when Dave writes about proofreading (or, "proofreading", or Proofreading) CIH?. Makes me chuckle every time. Sometimes, even, chortle.
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