The Postcard Kickstarter was funded on Saturday. Dave and the guys made $1900 (US) from 90 backers. GO TEAM!
Jeff Seiler is winning the Green Dante/Green Virgil Cover for $1300 (US)! If you want in on this action, just comment on this post, or e-mail As Dave said, the auction ends on Friday at Midnight (CDT). To prevent douchebaggery, I'm limiting the bidding to WHOLE US Dollars, in FIVE DOLLAR INCREMENTS. So if you wanna make Seiler lose his faith in humanity, you gotta come up with at least thirteen hundred and FIVE bucks (You Ess.). After the deadline, I'll contact the winner and figure out how we're getting Dave his money. (Seiler suggested that the increase should be in FIFTY dollar increments, and as much as I wanna get Dave mo' money, I was trying to eliminate the one penny douches...)
The remastered Volume 1 is available digitally for $9.99.
If you got a couple of extra bucks and want to do a fellow Cerebus fan a solid, frequent commentator Mike Battaglia has a go fund me here.
Friend to the Blog, and the guy who can go point five past light speed in the shuttle-craft Galileo: Steve Peters has another Kickstarter going. (I have a joke in one panel.)
It's Memorial Day here in the USA.
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Sometimes, you're a pretty dark guy, Matt.
Oh. My. Goodness!
Am I gonna have to pay David Victor Sim (DVS--figure it out) US$1,310 for all of this ... stuff?
Or, maybe, someone could go up to, um, you know, US$1,350 or US$1,500, and get one of THE best packages from A-V, Inc., ever.
Or, I win. Either way, I'll be happy. I win, either way. Seriously; if you win, I'll be happy for you. I'll be a little, a wee bit, jealous. But, I'll be happy that you got a lotta cool ... um ... stuff!
I just hope that my sister doesn't toss all of my collection of other Sim and Ger stuff in the trash after I ... move along. Anyone interested in ginning up a petition addressed to her about my VERY interesting collection, send me an email at Seriously.
I'll forward, eventually, all of the signatures and comments to her. I have told her that I have a lot of valuable collectibles (not on the Brian level but, still, close to a metric ton), but she has next to zero clue about what they are, how she could sell them or get money from them. Or, even, what they're worth, or how to find out what they're worth. I've tried to explain, but it's like trying to speak Borealan to a Cimerean. I'm leaving clues for her; even instructions. She's a smart woman, but she gives next to no ... about my stuff, except for the few bucks that I have. Little does she know, but reselling stuff is a bitch. It's hard to make an heir care about more than the money. It's even more difficult to educate them about the value of what you own. I gotta lotta ... stuff ... that is valuable on the resale market--eBay, ComicLink, Heritage--but the heir/s have to know that. My sister, currently, has no clue and doesn't give a shit. Of course, Dave'n'Ger could just buy it all back ...
Perhaps, some of you could inform her. If you want to, email me at and I will forward your supportive and instructive comments to her.
Soon, I will receive the original art page from, IIRC, issue 17 of "Cerebus", on which King Krull talks to his underling about how he ... um ... did bad things to bad people.
Less than US$700, it cost me, because the little grey guy wasn't there. But, still, a fantastic page by early Dave, just hitting his mark. Worth quite a lot more than I paid; just around 330 pages into a 6,000 page story. I got a steal. Very early good art and dialogue by a comic book legend.
So, if any of you want to help me to encourage my sister not to throw all of these valuables in the dumpster but, instead, sell them (and get a little bit wiser and richer), then please respond.
I have a LOT of DVS original art. Not Brian LOT, but, still, A Lot.
I'm not dyin' yet but, like Dave, I'm trying to prepare. My sister will have no interest; you do. I can make a list.
Not a list of you guys; that would be VERY Trump-ish of me. No, a list of all of the ... stuff ... that I have. Some really cool stuff.
To be clear, I'm not dying. Well, we're all dying! But (knock on plastic), no time soon. I just want to see who might be interested in what.
I'm still interested in ... *good* deals on anything Dave or Ger. But...
I'm more interested in you guys and gals helping me out, to make sure that *my* collection gets in the right hands *and* helps to further the legacy of two guys from Kitchener and Waterloo, Ontario.
So, that's me; out. Get back to me, preferably in a more recent than later installment. (Thanks, ahead of time, Matt, for putting up with this.)
Oh, yeah; if I have to pay way more than US$1,300 for the whole kit and kaboodle, then one of you guys has to pay my heirs way more than US$2,000 for it in 10 to 20 years. (I don't plan to outlive Dave, but I try to help him out. He has WAAAY more overhead than do I, especially when I bill him for my proofreading! Better yet, just send the money directly to A-V, Inc., if you intend to outbid me.)
You're welcome, bud.
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