I ran out of pages from issue 289/290 to run in front of Dave's Genesis Question commentaries. Dave suggested I use Jewish, Christian or Muslim religious images. But then, Superman's Frenemy: David Birdsong sent in a bunch of (so far) unused Cerebus in Hell? images and now I'ma gonna run them. So:
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image by Doré, Sim & Birdsong |
25 January 15
Hi Troy & Mia!
Psalm 104.
It's relatively long as Psalms go. I would characterize it, personally, as a
joint Davidic/YHWHistic meditation, resulting from David contemplating the
nature of Reality and this aligning itself with the YHWH's own "best
thinking" on the subject.
Bless the YHWH, O my soul, O YHWH my god,
thou art very great: thou art clothed with honour and majesty
It's a "kingly" observation
having, I think, more to do with David's high self-regard and extrapolating
that into the nature of God/YHWH (who he would view as being interchangeable
names for one entity). David and the
YHWH, I would infer, are both clothed but mostly by their own imaginations,
having little to do with their actual adornment which I would see more as self-glorification
and portrayal than "honour and majesty". Honour and majesty I would see as inherent
traits of God. Traits are very different
from garments (on both literal and metaphorical levels).
It would make for a good beginning for a
Psalm, though, I think, resonating with the YHWH and giving David the sense
that what he had just thought was Divinely Inspired.
Who coverest [interpolated: thy
self] with light as [interpolated: with] a garment: who stretchest
out the heavens like a curtain.
The interpolation here of "thy
self" and "with" is interesting to me. It seems to add another level of resonance to
the original (what I see as a) misapprehension.
Without the interpolation it reads, "Who coverest with light as a
garment". It doesn't, as I read it,
so much continue the thought from the first verse, in the unmodified form, as
attempt to correct it. And to obscure
it: covering the sentiment itself with
"light" to keep from having to address it.
It suggests that the YHWH, the subject of
the first verse, "coverest with light" without specifying what is
being covered. But the KJV translators
appear eager to amplify what David appears to be saying and to make the
"clothing" of the YHWH tripartite in nature: consisting of honour,
glory and light and to further assert that the YHWH has clothed him (her/its)
self with these.
The exact misapprehension, as I read it,
that the YHWH attempted to correct/modify.
And obscure (out of embarrassment).
That is, I think the sense that the YHWH is
attempting to convey in the second verse is to mitigate the charge of
self-adornment. That is, vanity and
vainglory, of the sort that Kings like David always traffic in. David seeks justification by establishing
that both he and God/YHWH do this. He
adorns himself with the riches of the world and God/YHWH does the same and he
(David) sees this self-adornment as clear evidence of honour and glory.
The YHWH attempts to "upscale"
this from vainglorious self-adornment to the Divine level by invoking Large
Scale Divine constructs: light and the
heavens. One he uses to cover and the
other he stretches out like a curtain.
As I've said elsewhere, physical light -- light that would
"cover" something -- seems to me a small-scale version of "the
Light" of the first chapter of John's Gospel "which lighteth every
man coming into the world".
THAT, it seems to me, is light on the
Divine Scale (inwardly illuminating
spirit which performs the opposite function of "obscuring") by
contrast with its degraded form as sunlight, lamp illumination, fire etc. THAT was what God "created to
make", not, I don't think, to clothe Himself with honour and glory, but as
a means of spirit being allowed to enact itself and to display itself
metaphorically (as David does) in its various expressions.
The YHWH sees this adulation on the part of
David as being as troubling as I do, I think, and -- having attempted to
upscale from vainglory to the Divine -- necessarily has to intrude on God's own
territory to avoid having to "own" the implications of what David has
Who layeth the beams of his chambers in the
waters, who maketh the clouds his chariot: who walketh upon the wings of the
Well, no, would be my inference. The waters
are God's, the physical construct that best represents the mercurial form that
God's spirit takes: not easily confined and certainly a lot more adaptive and
mobile than, say, the earth is. The
waters are the opposite of a construct of "chambers" composed of
beams (although there is the double meaning of "beams of
light"). As I say, I think this is
the YHWH seeing the need to expand his/her/its own context out of the simply
vainglorious (which is really all that it is) into the Divine. "The waters" is a "bridge too
far" and the "clouds" as "chariot" and walking
"on the wings of the wind" simply reiterate the self-evident: that the YHWH inhabits both the earth and the
earth's atmosphere.
Who maketh his Angels spirits: his
ministers a flaming fire.
God, I think Scripture supports, didn't
"MAKETH His Angels spirits".
His Angels ARE expressions of spirit, all of which issued from God in
one form or another. They are
uncorrupted spirits. It isn't surprising
that the YHWH would attempt to usurp the "making" of the Angels, but
it does seem to me to be evidence of misconstruing context. The YHWH -- the earth -- is a degraded form
of spirit, so degraded that it is housed within rock and dirt. Basically, as I
infer scripture Some of the spirit/spirits which issued from God adopted this
course of degradation which led to incarnation within physical constructs. The YHWH is one of those. Anything inhabited by spirit that you can see
in physical form is degraded spirit. Including us. Us including David.
"A flaming fire" is clearly a
physical construct and it's unlikely in the extreme that God would have "a
flaming fire" as His ministers and practically inevitable that the YHWH
Although the KJV has verses 2 through 5 as
beginning with "Who" -- that is, compelling the inference that what
is being described is the Divine nature of the YHWH -- I read them as attempted
usurpations as I've described them: this
is where the YHWH endeavours to usurp Divine attributes in order to evade
David's inadvertent charge of vaingloriousness.
The KJV translators then attempt to extend that to the sixth verse:
Who laid the foundations of the earth [Hebrew: he hath
founded the earth upon her bases]; [interpolated: that] it should not be removed for ever.
Extracting the original meaning of this
verse from its KJV encumbrances, the verse reads: "He hath founded the earth upon her
bases; it should not be removed for ever."
The sense conveyed by the original Hebrew -- that the bases already
existed and the YHWH founded the earth upon them -- being self-evident. The KJV "translation", by contrast,
suggests that the YHWH "laid the foundations" -- "the
bases" -- his/her/its self.
["it should not be removed for
ever" strikes me as self-evidently defensive on the part of the YHWH, who
seems always mindful -- as well he/she/it might be -- of the mortality of the
earth. A genuinely Divine assertion
would be, "It will not be removed forever". It also definitely refers to the earth --
singular -- rather than "her bases" -- plural.]
So we have a transition from
"Who" verses to a "he" verse which then switches to the
second person in the next verse:
Thou coveredst it with the deep as [interpolated:
with] a garment: the waters stood above the mountains
Again, it becomes necessary to extract the
original meaning from its KJV encumbrances.
Using the original Hebrew of the previous verse and omitting the
interpolation from this verse, we get:
"HE hath founded the earth upon her bases; it should not be removed
forever. THOU converedst with the deep
as a garment: the waters stood above the mountains". Which seems to be a Freudian slip on the part
of the YHWH -- an inopportune switch from a self-referential "he" to
the more accurate "Thou" -- originating, I would infer, in the
genuine memory of the YHWH's own -- not creation, but revelation of its
physical form -- as described in Genesis 1:9:
And God said, Let the waters under the
heaven be gathered together unto one place, and let the dry land appear: and it
was so.
The YHWH just provides a "first
person" account with a little more detail of what that seminal event was
like as the YHWH experienced it and addresses this, appropriately, to God:
At thy rebuke, they fled: at the voice of
thy thunder they hasted away.
They go up by the mountains; they go down
by the valleys unto the place which thou hast founded for them [alternative
translation: the mountains ascend, the valleys descend]
Thou hast set a bound that they may not
pass over: that they turn not again to cover the earth.
The tone is introspective -- which I would
assume it was. The YHWH revisiting the
"gathering together of the waters" without which the earth -- the dry
land -- would have remained covered by the waters.
He sendeth [Hebrew: who
sendeth] the springs into the valleys: [interpolated: which] run [Hebrew:
walk] among the hills
Again, a "KJVectomy" is required
here. The actual Hebrew expresses it as
"Who sendeth the springs into the valleys, walk among the
hills." Which could be either a
literal question -- "Who sendeth the springs into the valleys, walk among
the hills?" Which would tie in with
the introspective tone of the previous verses.
As if the YHWH is genuinely asking the pertinent question taking the
form of: "I remember that
happening. Did I do that? And if I didn't who did?" In which case the literal answer to the
literal question would be God. God places the waters exactly and specifically
and independently of the YHWH: God sends
the springs into the valleys and the springs that walk among the hills.
-- or it can be inferred as a rhetorical
question: "Who sendeth the springs into the valleys: walk among the
hills?" Which is, I think, how
David and the KJV translators took it which is why they modified "Who
sendeth" into "he sendeth", changing it from a good literal
introspective question on the part of the YHWH into vainglorious breast-beating
on the part of the YHWH.
I think it's misapprehended in that form
because the introspective tone of wonder continues, as if there is a dawning
awareness of just how critical "the waters" -- which are independent
of the YHWH -- are to everything that the YHWH knows and experiences:
They give drink to every beast of the
field: the wild asses [Hebrew: break] quench their thirst.
By them shall the fowls of the heaven have
their habitation: [interpolated:
which] [Hebrew: give a voice] sing among the branches.
He watereth the hills from his chambers:
The introspectiveness continues with the
full implication dawning of what the result of this Universal Hydraulic Reality
the earth is satisfied with the fruit of
thy works.
Again, the shift from "He" to
"thy" seems particularly significant, an acknowledgement by the YHWH
that there is a "thy" -- that the YHWH, while remembering being
covered by the waters, suddenly remembers that the gathering of the waters was
an event external to the YHWH's own experience and awareness ("At THY
rebuke, they fled: at the voice of THY thunder, they hasted away.")
He causeth the grass to grow for the
cattle, and herb for the service of man: that he may bring forth food out of
the earth:
And wine that maketh glad the heart of man,
and oil to make [interpolated:
his] face to shine [Hebrew: to make his face shine WITH oil/or MORE than
oil]: and bread [interpolated: which] strengheneth man's heart
The full implications of how CENTRAL water
is to all of this -- NONE of it exists without the water and the water is
external to the YHWH -- the YHWH needs to claw his/her/its way back from complete
capitulation to Reality and God:
The trees of the YHWH are full [interpolated: of
sap]: the cedars of Lebanon which he
hath planted.
The interpolation of "sap" is
interesting, but beside the point. The
observation is that the trees, too, are full of water. Water, God's medium, is EVERYWHERE and
central to all existence. The FRUIT
trees themselves are masculine ("yielding fruit after HIS kind"
Genesis 1:11) but perhaps non-fruit bearing trees like the cedars are
exceptions to that:
Where the birds make their nests: as for
the Stork, the fir trees [interpolated: are] her house.
"The fir trees HER house". Fir trees aren't fruit-bearing and the stork
is perceived as being feminine rather than masculine.
The high hills [interpolated: are]
a refuge for the wild goats: [interpolated:
and] the rocks for the conies.
Which is evasive reasoning: the wild goats need water, as do the conies
even if they pass their lives in rocky YHWH contexts. Mindful of this, the YHWH
attempts, again, to expand the parameters into larger Divine contexts:
He appointed the moon for seasons; the sun
knoweth his going down.
Which isn't much good. Genesis 1:14 to 19 are "God
verses", establishing that He created the sun and the moon and the stars.
[Misattributed, in my view, by A Dam after
eating the forbidden fruit: knowledge of good and evil. An interpolation allowed by God, I think, but
violating the integrity of the creation story of the YHWH -- the earth -- which,
as I read it, is the actual content of the first chapter of the First Book of
Moshe wherein, as I read it, God was
just explaining the YHWH's creation to the YHWH and man's creation to men.]
Mindful of that, the YHWH again lapses from
"He" into "Thou" and actually acknowledges the stark simplicity
of Reality Seen -- once you see how central water is to the entire construct
and once you see that water is external to you, the Grand External becomes
self-evident and inescapable. Once a thing is seen, it can't be unseen:
Thou makest darkness and it is night:
wherein [Hebrew:
all the beasts thereof trample on the forest.] all the beasts of the forest
do creep [interpolated; forth].
The young lions roar after their prey: and
seek their meat from God.
The sun ariseth, they gather themselves
together: and lay them down in their dens.
Man goeth forth unto his work: and to his
labour unto the evening.
At which point, as I read it, the YHWH
lapses into silence. What else is there
to say? But, the unceremonious end is
uncomfortable for David who is still, in his own mind, composing a Psalm,
issuing from his own in-dwelling spirit, a Psalm which had been going great
guns and then just "petered out".
So, he interjects:
O YHWH, how manifold are thy works! in
wisdom hast thou made them all: the earth is full of thy riches.
Which would really have been salt in the
wound. All of the YHWH's efforts to
"upscale" the context from vainglorious self-adornment like that
practiced by earthly kings like David to Divine contexts, brought crashing back
down to "the earth is full of thy riches." WHAT riches?
When compared with God's creation?
The YHWH resumes, introspective and, at the
same time, externally contemplative.
There are so many aspects to the waters, all of them external to the
YHWH, an alien presence but which the YHWH knows -- and has always known --
[interpolated: So is] this great and
wide Sea, wherein are things creeping innumerable: both small and great beasts.
There go the ships; [interpolated:
there is] that Leviathan whom thou hast [Hebrew: formed] made to play
These wait all upon thee: that thou mayest
give them their meat in due season.
That thou givest them, they gather: thou
openest thy hand, they are filled with good.
Insight upon insight, overwhelming in its
implications for the YHWH:
Thou hidest thy face, they are troubled,
thou takest away their breath, they die: and return to their dust.
Thou sendest forth thy spirit, they are
created: and thou renewest the face of the earth.
All of the earthly creation. Not the earth itself, not the YHWH, but the
FACE of the earth where all human life is enacted and enacts itself, physically
incarnated as the earth is physically incarnated. ALL of that external to the
YHWH, ALL of that which the YHWH knows intimately.
Another lapsed silence into which David
feels compelled to interject himself:
The glory of the YHWH [Hebrew: shall be] shall
endure for ever: the YHWH shall rejoice in his works.
Another manifold bitter irony: The "glory" of the YHWH, as David
conceives it, is comparable to his own.
But the YHWH is aware that what David sees as intrinsic greatness is a
vainglorious garment that is passing away even as David wraps himself in its
luxurious confines. Far from enduring
"for ever" it is already gone, as the YHWH will be some day. "The YHWH shall rejoice in his
works". Well, yes, that's what the
YHWH was ATTEMPTING to do, but ended up forced to rejoice in His Works: God's:
He looketh on the earth and it trembleth;
he toucheth the hills and they smoke.
Another lapsed, uncomfortable silence into
which David again feels compelled to inject himself:
I will sing unto the YHWH as long as I
live: I will sing praise to my god, while I have my being.
It's as if he picks up on the YHWH's
introspective, awe-stricken subtext by a kind of spiritual osmosis. More salt in the YHWH's wounds: "As long as I live"; "while I have my being". The YHWH knows how transitory is David's
existence and now realizes that the YHWH's own mortality is different only as a
matter of degree. It would have been
(and, I assume, still is) a bitter pill for the YHWH to swallow. He, the YHWH, IS David. Flawed in the same
way that David is: immersed in
self-glorification and portrayal masquerading as Divinity and Reality. A mortal
all but vanished even as he sings his song of praise, unable to conceive of or
accept his own mortality.
My meditation of him shall be sweet: I will be glad in the YHWH.
Let the sinners be consumed out of the
earth, and let the wicked be no more: bless thou the YHWH, O my soul. Praise ye the YHWH.
Which is really the problem: the sinners "out of the earth",
manifestations of the earth -- the YHWH's own sinful nature -- are mere
incarnations, prey to and prone to the YHWH's own excesses, self-deceptions and
self-aggrandizements. But, once seen, they are inescapably "of a
piece" with the YHWH.
The idea that David's soul could in any way
bless the YHWH is risible (and, so, more salt in the YHWH's wound) -- but
partakes of the YHWH's own inflated self-opinion and its extension into
blasphemous arenas. David isn't
God. His soul is, presumably, incapable
of blessing anyone, let alone the YHWH.
Only God can bless anyone and God only blesses those deserving of
it. Because God is the lone custodian of
Divinity and Reality.
Next week:
God willing Psalm 139.
Next Time: Hey Dave's birthday is coming up, what're you guys getting him?
Fruit trees are masculine? Well, Dave never did have a good grasp of science.
Other than that, good to see him back to form; I laughed out loud at Dave three times this week. Somebody could excerpt the best bits, put on a robe and long beard, and have a complete comedy sketch.
-- Damian
Now that you mention it, I think this week's installment is plagiarized from one of the "prophets" in the marketplace scene in "Life of Brian" (when Brian "falls from the sky").
This may be the single worst entry of all Dave's god blathering. And that's saying something. I don't think I understood a single sentence. He may actually be getting worse.
"He may actually be getting worse."
Watch out, Anonymous: these entries are a number of years old, as someone will likely come along to point out, for some reason. As someone who strives to be rational and logical in everything, Dave's views surely make even more sense now.
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