Good thing it's a three day weekend huh?
And Boy-howdy does Dave deliver on this one...
Part 13: And this one's about:
So Dave called on Thursday. We talked for just under two and a half hours. If you're on the Facebookees, you saw the link to the audio podcast. (Or if you subscribe to the A Moment of Cerebus podcasts.) Anyway, for the folks who don't, here it is:
Part 2: Dave and I discuss technology and this "Internet" fad thing...
Part 5: And we start answering the actual questions I got. First up:
Part 6: And then I added in my fax:
Part 7: Dave continues on the subject of Cerebus Archive.
Okay, I TRIED to not "out" Sean as being the guy with the digital files, because I didn't want him getting chased down the street by crazed Cerebus fans like something out of A Hard Day's Night, but Dave got to me. Sean has up to issue #13. So, if you have issues #14-18 and want to scan them and get them to Sean, we want them at 600dpi (minimum) and put a black piece of paper is on the other side of the page to eliminate bleed through. More on this as I hear about it.
Part 9: Aw geez... This one is going to get me in trouble...
Part 10: again,
Part 11:
And for the people who are weird sadists who enjoy watching Youtube videos where I'm way TOO loud and Dave isn't, here you go:
Part 1: Dave makes me prove that the recording is working. "Fool me once: shame on you, fool me twice: shame on me."
Part 2: Dave and I discuss technology and this "Internet" fad thing...
And then Rich Laux's winning of the Mis-stapled The Amicable Spider-Vark #1 for $150. (Dave's says there are a few more copies out there soon to be auctioned by Rob Walton, if I hear anything, I'll let you guys know.)

Part 3: And Michael R. of Easton Pennsylvania is the Spider-Vark secret code winner
And since I've nowhere else to put it, the latest Cerebus in Hell? one-shot: Spider-Whore available to order wherever those kinds of things are sold.
Hi Matt!
Ok. I think I got it. The FAKE bar code on page 26 ( my CAN number ) when I googled the 10 numbers I got ... the REAL bar code for Trojan Magnum Bareskin Lubricated Condoms. I enclosed 2 photos.
Believe it or not, but that FAKE bar code was one of many wacky ideas that were going through my head.
1- the "wink-wink" on the front cover
2-the " approval is an authoritarian construct"
3- Denver vs Cleveland Super Bowl in 1987 ... WHY??
4- dinky
5- all those G.I. words. are they even REAL???
6- I even was looking at Spider-Vark's fingers to see if he was pointing to the "spot"

Part 4: Wilf Jenkins week is coming next Friday.
I'm not a 100% sure what that all means. What I DO KNOW:
- Wilf was the Aardvark/Vanaheim lawyer for years, and during that time his was on the comp list.
- Wilf saved all his copies.
- Dave has signed them, and there's a certificate of authenticity
- The books will be available from Looking For Heroes, for $10 (CAD) plus $4 dollars shipping to Canada and $5 dollars shipping to the USA.
- All the money goes to the Food Bank of the Waterloo Region
- Dave has already bought a thousand dollars worth of A/V back issues he didn't have
- Wilf played Cerebus in this. I have photos, I'll share next week.
And as Dave says, if you are missing any of the Cerebus Archive portfolios, Dave will have one-off copies printed and will sign and personalize them to you. $100 (um...I've never asked if that was American or Canadian, so we're just gonna assume American. And probably a few bucks for shipping.) You can fax Dave: (519) 576-0955, call him: (519) 576-0610, or email me and make me be your eBitch:
Hi,And I said:
Did Dave ever publish the conclusion to the Why an Aardvark essays that ran in Cerebus around 205? I was wondering if any of the Archives or Following Cerebus had it.
I think maybe issue #6 or 7 of Following Cerebus, or the last issues of Cerebus Archive?
Part 6: And then I added in my fax:
Speaking of Cerebus Archive, a whole lot of peoples would be most happy to give you money for a collected version. Either print or digital. Maybe a Kickstarter in 2021? Huh? Maybe? Please? (I admit a selfish interest, since I only have issues 1 and 3 (and a bootleg of 1 that Seiler printed off at my place years and years ago…).)And Dave answers: (anybody remember the lesson Cerebus gave on the stoop of the hotel on the side of the mountain in Church & State 1? The one with the baby?)
Part 7: Dave continues on the subject of Cerebus Archive.
Part 8: Margaret asked:
Dave sent me something for the 20th anniversary of the domain name (August 04, 2000, the website had geocities domain before then). Can you please ask him if I can post about it at AMoC? I'm not going to ruin the surprise unless he wants me to. If he has anything to add to that post, I can get posted along with pictures.
And please thank him for it, it was a welcomed surprise!
Take care,
Part 9: Aw geez... This one is going to get me in trouble...
This is all Dave's take on the situation as DAVE understands it. If he's wrong, and he probably is, it's not anybody's fault, the situation is fluid and ever changing. Until an OFFICIAL announcement is made, take EVERYTHING with a grain of salt. We're all humans back here, and are trying our best. When there is something OFFICIAL, I'll let you know. And let you know that it IS official. Until then, just relax!
Okay, the question from AMOC big, Winner Michael R. of Easton Pennsylvania was:
Hi Matt!I added in my fax to Dave with all these questions:
Question for Dave. Will there only be 150 Signed & Numbered sets of High Society: The Regency Edition? ...or will there be tiers of the Recency Edition? The reason I ask is because I saw a price range of $125-$295. GULP. I hope the $295 version comes with a night at the Regency. LOL. Also, I'm guessing that there won't be a Kickstarter with this one and only available at Waverly Press.
I know this is more of a question for the fine folks at the Waverly Press, but he asked so I’ma asking. Anything about Aardvark/Vanaheim’s collaborations with the Waverly Press that your allowed to talk about, or is that still all “backstage pass” stuff that you and I know and everybody else can guess?
Part 10: again,
This is all Dave's take on the situation as DAVE understands it. If he's wrong, and he probably is, it's not anybody's fault, the situation is fluid and ever changing. Until an OFFICIAL announcement is made, take EVERYTHING with a grain of salt. We're all humans back here, and are trying our best. When there is something OFFICIAL, I'll let you know. And let you know that it IS official. Until then, just relax!
"The Regency Edition is still fluid, there are a lot of moving parts to it, and at the advertised price points (I hope) collectors will be happy.And I'll mention here that if you missed the Waverly Press Kickstarter for the Remastered Cerebus #1, limited overflow of the rewards are available at
It will be lavish, it will have A LOT to offer Cerebus collectors at every price point and it will have a lot of extra pages of rarities, mostly previously unpublished."
and Jeff Seiler asks:Hi there, for some reason I COMPLETELY missed the new 2010 edition of The Cerebus Guide to Self-Publishing even though I was one of the guys that encouraged Dave multiple times to consider a reprint.... Any chance this PDF can still be had? Appears this is no longer available on Sellfy.Much Appreciated!
Hi, Dave! Many years ago, you wrote to me about the then-upcoming penultimate Cerebus volume, "Latter Days" (still one of my favorites) that you had considered using the Jacobean spelling of the second word in the title--"Daies". I'm waaay too old to go dig out that letter. So (finally getting around to an interrogative sentence), what made you change your mind?
Did you think it would be too much of a spoiler warning for the back-of-the-book issues of Cerebus reading Genesis in the 1611 version, or did you think it would confuse potential buyers, or was it something else?
Just curious.
Best, as always, and yours to the very end,
Basically, if it's out of print and not a phonebook, you're gonna have to pay to have it scanned and remastered if you want it. Dave's all about getting money into the Aardvark/Vanaheim's coffers. Like Cerebus masks and whatnots with all the money going to Dave. New product will be added to the store this weekend if I get around to it.
Part 12: Okay the question was about:
Part 13: And this one's about:
And this answer is another humdinger...
Part 14: And this one is about this passage from Gerard Jones’ Men of Tomorrow: Geeks, Gangsters, and the Birth of the Comic Book:
Part 14: And this one is about this passage from Gerard Jones’ Men of Tomorrow: Geeks, Gangsters, and the Birth of the Comic Book:
Next Time: Oliver and a (can you believe it?) longer post...
Thank you Matt! I appreciate you taking the time to talk to Dave about all of this stuff. I listened to it on my to work, during lunch, and then on my way home, and still had a bit left over to listen to as I made dinner! Hooo boy, what an episode! Thanks!
Oh sh!t,
I forgot to tell you guys...
So, I was all set up, waiting for Dave, and he hadn't called.
Okay, prayer times move, maybe it's moved enough that Dave can't call at four...
Get a fax: Matt your number isn't working. And my OLD number I stopped using.
Call Dave, leave a message with my other number, which was on my fax of questions.
Get a second fax that my fax number has been acting goofy too.
Fax Dave back with my other number.
Then he calls.
(I laughed.)
The sound quality on Anchor is vastly improved from the sound usually heard on “Please Hold” with YouTube, especially at Dave’s end. Thank you, Matt!
Don't thank me, thank the anchor sound gods...
Haven't listened to any of these yet, but:
What could possibly be missing from the Archives that Dave paid Wilf Jenkins $1000 for?
Certainly not 100 back-issues at $10 each!
Steve: yes, a hundred back issues that the Archive didn't have. Ms. Tree being the big one. And the money goes the the Food Bank.
(I'm sure he was also getting Cerebus issues that the Archive had low numbers on.)
Hi Matt!
Cerebus issue number 205 has the 4th part of "Why an Aardvark" and it states at the end of the essay, "Next: final Chapter". I got out the issues through 215 and there was nothing on "The Final Chapter".
I did go to Margaret's website and in her site map it states that there are only 4 parts: " Why An Aardvark: A four part series on the origins of Aardvark-Vanaheim, inc and Cerebus."
... and when I further looked , this is what Margaret had written . "Next Final Chapter (CFG notes: I'm searching for the issue this is in, as it isn't in Guys where the rest of these where. If you know what issue, please let me know so I can scan it in. Thanks!)".
PS--- btw - In Pennsylvania I am considered an essential worker. I have been physically going to to work everyday (except for my scheduled time off). I do have (I think) hitting the "refresh" button on my time off. LOL!
Michael R - We came to the same conclusion: Dave's essay "Why An Aardvark" ran in Cerebus #200, 201, 204, and 205. There was supposed to be a "final chapter" according to part 4, but as far as I can tell it was never printed.
I do remember searching the back and front of every Cerebus issue in the early 200s :D
Hi Margaret!
I started looking at the Cerebus Archive comic book and there was no "Why An Aardvark" Last Chapter, but it does have the "Birth of the Icon" in issue number 16. I'm sure Dave would have continued the story but the comic stopped at issue number 18.
Okay, Dave, you know that I think very highly of you (for multiple reasons), but your answer to my question showed a high degree of a persecution complex.
NOT *everybody* hates you.
As I read once, by an author whose name I do not recall, but who wrote a very helpful book, (I paraphrase), "The vast majority of people I have ever met do not love me, nor do they hate me. The vast majority of people I know are simply indifferent to me. Once I figured that out, my life became far more comfortable."
But thanks for answering my question. And yes, "Daies" would probably have put off a lot of people, especially those at Diamond, as they tend to be somewhat benighted by non-mainstream stuff.
As always, Dave and Matt--great stuff!
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