Sunday 27 December 2020

Comic Calender #1

So this might be Dave's first venture into the world of publishing his first fanzine. In October / November of 1971 a fifteen year old Dave Sim published: Comic Calender #1. he did the cover:

Cover art by Dave Sim

I know, I know, it isn't the best picture. I don't have a copy of it. I've never seen one for sale. I can't even remember where I got the pictures of them from. 

Inside front cover

The fanzine is ten pages, which includes the cover and back cover. Only a few other pieces of art are in it, and there are a couple articles: some news which includes "DC Buys Tarzan", "Heroes of the Golden Age Part One" - which is on Shazam!, "Marvel Mystery Comics Part One", and "The Back Pages Characters part one". It looks like the back outside cover has a notice about that space being reserved for full page ads at a rate of $2.00 per page. There is no notice as to who wrote all the articles and drew the other pieces of art, so I'm guessing it was all Dave. Sounds like a good question for next month's talk with Dave.


Birdsong said...

Six years later: Cerebus #1. Glad to see that the kid didn't give up.

whc03grady said...

Interesting...I didn't know the term "zine" was that old.