Hi, Everybody!
"And the clouds parted and Angels appeared, and there was much rejoicing" because it's...
Steve Peters Week 2023
"Who is Steve Peters if it can be told" beat ya to it Damian. Steve Peters received a Xeric Grant in 1996, which he used to self-publish Awakening Comics. In 2006, he won the Gene Day Memorial Prize for a magical realist comic and music soundtrack called Chemistry. He is currently co-creating an award-winning comic called The Comicverse, about a comic book shop in space, with Bianca Alu-Marr. You can find out how Dave Sim fits into this by clicking on the Ghost of Steve Peters Weeks Past.
Steve is Kickstartering Tails of Sparky #4 featuring this little Dave Sim piece:
somewhere in the back.BUT, because the Manly One is the Manliest One, I'ma buy a hundred microprints of this and get Dave and Steve to sign and number them and sell 'em as add-ons on Steve's Kickstarter.
Steve's got seventeen days before the kit & kaboodle ends on my wife's birthday (October 5th), and as of RIGHT NOW, he's $1,270 short of goal. Which'd be why the Manly One is ALSO getting fifty microprints of this li'l bad boy:
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Also signed and numbered by Dave & Steve. |
Steve hasn't mentioned it yet, but on past Kickstarters, he's offered Sketch covers. Here's one I got "back in the day" with Steve's Rabbit Hell characters as the Avengers (parodying Avengers #4)
But on the back of this one was this:
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That's Steve and Bianca Alu-Marr's Comicverse characters as the Avengers. |
So, on one of the more recent Kickstarters, Steve offered Sketch Covers again, and I ponied up, and he asked what I wanted. I gave him a list of a half dozen or so covers and said which ever one tickled his fancy. Well, friends, Steve knocked it out of the park again.
This is a Comicverse cast parody of Star Wars #72.
It's one of my favorite runs of the Marvel series from the 80s. See, Marvel adapted Empire Strikes Back, and then had to keep telling stories while everybody waited for Return of the Jedi to come out. And one of those stories was Lando and Luke looking for Han Solo. And it was just a hell of a story. They used the original design for Jabba the Hutt. I think they end up rescuing Han. It just basically made adapting Jedi as part of the regular series untenable.
Anyway, I paid for ONE cover, and Steve gave me more than that. Because he REALLY knocks it out of the park on these things. Head over to the Kickstarter and see what he's offering.
Fill out this, win fun prizes:
New Contest: Fill out the word search, send a copy of your completed entry to momentofcerebus@gmail.com by October first, and you'll be entered into a drawing for a Little Orphan Aardvark prize back! (What's in the prize back? I dunno. I haven't figured that out yet, but it's GURANTEED to have at least one piece of paper with Daddy Varkbucks signature on it (it'll say "Dave Sim", not "Daddy Varkbucks", but you get the idea...) (The piece of paper could be anything. A vintage Cerebus comic, a promotional postcard, original art, anything! Ya know...that Dave has sent me and is in the AMOC Prize drawer...). Plus a L.O.A.S.S. entry kit for those not in the wordsearch. Maybe FIVE American dollars... The possibilities are nearly endless (the actualities are not.). )
RULES (Read these carefully, ya don't want to be a Seiler and end up disqualified...):
RULES (Read these carefully, ya don't want to be a Seiler and end up disqualified...):
- Fill out the wordsearch.
- Send it to momentofcerebus@gmail.com
- 1 (one) point each for each name on the list found
- 5 (five) points for any word NOT on the list found. (MINIMUM THREE LETTERS! "BE" won't get you shit. Ya gotta put in a little effort. ALSO: Real verifiable words only. (Although ya may get extra points if you find "Kwyjibo"...)
- Bonus 50 (fifty) points if you can identify WHO these people actually are (10 (ten) points for a partial list since you guys probably will never guess who Empennage and Sundrop are, I don't even think THEY know...)
- Get your entry in by October (10) 1st (first)
- After that I'ma take the entries, calculate the points, and highest point total wins the Big Prize, everybody else gets entered into a drawing for a 2nd (second) place prize. Depending on turnout, EVERYBODY might get a prize. Or, if this one actually takes off and more than Zipper and Dodger enter, there might only be 3 (three) prizes.
- My decisions are final.

The Strange Death of Alex Raymond Go Fund Me
The Last Day Without nothing.
" " " " Dave's signature.
" " " " an Old Cerebus Remarque
Oliver's Cerebus movie: The Absurd, Surreal, Metaphysical, and Fractured Destiny of Cerebus the Aardvark it's currently available on "Plex", "Xumo", "Vimeo On Demand", "Tubi". If you're in Brazil..., "Mometu", "Nuclear Home Video".
Next Time: Steve Peters Week 2023 Day...2!The AMOC TeePublic Shoppe
Up to 35% off site-wide:
September 17
and September 28-30
Tell your fans! Remind them that everything will be up to 35% off
The only thing I know about Steve Peters is that he was reduced to swearing in all-caps because people in the Facebook group were talking about what they wanted to talk about and not what he wanted them to talk about. Wotta guy.
-- Damian
"I am Damian T. Lloyd, Esquire. I own a mansion and a yacht."
Hey Damian, you got a link to back up those accusations? And what do you mean 'Wotta guy'?
Not sure if this goes here or 2 threads back...BUT $10 CAD for the Last Days is a steal...I'm in for 10!
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