Tuesday 12 September 2023

SDoAR 37: Just the Facts, Ma'am

One of these weeks, life will get back to normal. In the meantime, on with the show!

GFM Tote Board

  • *ZERO* new pages unlocked since last week.
  • $9021.00 raised from 142 donations (plus $62.08 outside of GoFundMe).
  • 49 new pages released as mocked up by Dave Sim from 11 June to 26 October 2021
  • 70 total pages available on Dropbox, including Dave's 2019 mocked-up pages
  • Only $179.00 away from unlocking page 71
  • If you have not donated >> $5+ donation grants access to all 70 pages and all pages moving forward! 
  • If you have donated (thanks!!) >> GoFundMe does not have an option for monthly subscriptions. So if you want to donate on a monthly basis, please do so as we are in the middle of month #9.
SDOAR 2023 GoFundMe -->> https://www.gofundme.com/f/sdoar-2023

Just the Fax, Ma'am

Even more rewards, for Margaret Liss this time!

Just the FAQs, Ma'am

Sir Ian asks, "Dreadful breach in protocol, but is my understanding correct that GUYS is currently available for digital download on cerebusdownloads but has NOT yet been released in remastered physical print?"

Manly Matt? Have you answered this? If not, a little help? If so, a little help?

SDOAR Pages, Part IV

Three weeks ago, I published the first five mocked-up pages from Dropbox at the behest of Manly Matt. Last week, I added to more two-page spreads. This week, I'm continuing with four more pages (another two two-page spreads). That means 17 pages in toto. Part I is here; Part II is here. Part III is here. Part IV is below.

Reminder: These images are *neither* the restored *nor* the remastered pages, just what I cleaned up as lo-res files for Dropbox. 

Philip R. Frey's cleanup work for the Giant-Size Ashcans is SO much better! Trust me. I'm a doctor.

That's all I got!



SDOAR 2023 GoFundMe -->>
 https://www.gofundme.com/f/sdoar-2023 <<-- SDOAR 2023 GoFundMe


Damian T. Lloyd, Esq. said...

What means "GFM", if it can be told? Thanks!

-- Damian

Michael R. said...

G = Go
F = Fund
M = Me

Damian T. Lloyd, Esq. said...

Aha! Thank you, Michael R.

-- D.

Tony Dunlop said...

I'm a little taken aback that these pages have *already been published* (albeit in slightly different form). I was under the impression that these would be the material Dave has done since the hardback volume was published...

Jen said...

Tony -- these are the pages for Giant-Size Ashcan #0 -- and all 21 pages were included for the launch of the GoFundMe campaign. Giant-Size Ashcan #1 will include the new pages -- and are the pages being unlocked after every $200.

Hope that helps clarify!


Tony again said...

Ah! So THAT'S why its number zero. That was probably made clear and I just missed it. OK, so I'll pass on #0 (already have it) & just buy #1 and forward.
(I have absolutely no interest in reading comics pages on a computer screen...)