Wednesday 17 January 2024

Cerebus in A.I. Hell? Part 10: The Evolve Button

Benjamin Hobbs:

The A.I. image generator at Night Cafe has an option called "Evolve". I assume the intent of this feature is to allow the user to take a current image generated by the generator and refine it.  I've found that the first image I'm "evolving" is frequently the closest to what I want the generator to turn out.

I prompted for Dante and Cerebus as done by Dore:

The "aardvark" looks like something else. A shaggy goat? I prompted again, without "evolve" and it gave me this:

Not in the style of Dore, but I can see some of Dante in there.  I hit EVOLVE and out popped this:

This looked further from where I wanted to be.  So I hit EVOLVE again:

And out popped Donkey from Shrek. On steroids.  I hit EVOLVE again:
And now both figures were animals.  Evolution really was at work! One more EVOLVE:

Dante has returned to looking sort of like Dante.  I don't know WHAT to make of the Aardvark. 

Next I tried to make a cartoon aardvark, dressed like a warrior.  I got this:

WOW! That's the closet to a proper Cerebus the A.I. has dropped.  Granted, Cerebus' nose isn't pink, and the black blob I'm reading as 'vest' probably is actually part of the background, but it looks GREAT!  For A.I. Generated.  I hit EVOLVE:
And it looks like the Aardvark is made out of saggy pajamas. EVOLVE:
Um... Seductive Aardvark? EVOLVE+ armor. Maybe I can get a good Batvark...
That's promising.  EVOLVE!
Closer! Evolve:

Cerebus: Agent of SHIELD. 

Next Time: The last A.I. Post.  (For now.)


Anonymous said...

The Saggy Pyjamas one looks like MIT from issue #7.

al roney said...

AI art always looks creepy af to me...

It's weird.