Wednesday 22 May 2024

Akimbo Grey Tones Part ONE!

Benjamin Hobbs:

Since last week, no actual progress has been made on coloring the Narutobus covers.  The Kosplay KS variant still looks like this: 

This week we'll be looking at the long promised AKIMBO Grey Tones!

In Part One of this exciting new series, we'll look at the three pages that took the most time to create. 

First, page one.  This page had the most time put into it. It set the stage for the rest of the book and was a high water mark that was only hit a couple of other times.  I'm especially pleased with the lens flare and the white drop-shadow from the text:

Next we have page 6. The bike took forever to tone, since each piece has it's own gradient of shine. Choosing a spot to let the buildings fade out was tricky. As was separating the top panel from the bottom panel:

Lastly, we have page 9.  The circles really hold this page together:

Next Week: More tones? Color progression on that cover? Tune in to find out!

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