Tuesday 6 May 2014

Cerebus' Last Supper

(by email, March 2014)
This commission was a fairly large piece and the idea was to have it look like Da Vinci's Last Supper... sort of. Below are:
 - Dave's inked version.
 - My tracing paper overlay.
 - My background inks with Dave's inks.

And here's the final coloured piece. What really struck me while doing this was how kind of... well... boring the backgrounds are on The Last Supper. I tried to stay to close to the original anyway.
(Click image to enlarge)


Damin J. Toell, Esq. said...

It's a shame that Gerhard doesn't sell prints of this one, I would love to have a print.

Birdsong said...
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Ibis said...

Yes, this would sell. I would buy. J. Stuart

Dave Kopperman said...

I hate to go blue, but Holy. Fucking. Shit. That is amazing.

Jeff Seiler said...

This post doesn't say when this print was done, but I can't help wondering if Dave came up with the idea of it after Jeff Tundis and I proposed the idea of a roast of Dave Sim for the 30th anniversary of the publishing of Cerebus #1. Dave had never before and never since been so adamant about instructing me NOT to go forward with the roast. Turned out that it would have been held in December of 2007, just months before he was launching his two "secret projects", glamourpuss and, especially, Judenhass. He didn't expect our roast idea to go well and he didn't want fallout from what he expected to be a disaster to taint the releases of those two books. Fair enough. But, man, did he come down on my pointy little head with full force. . .