Saturday 31 May 2014

Kickstarted! Cerebus Archive Number One!

(from the Kickstarter Q&A, 31 May 2014)
How much has fan support exceeded expectations on this Kickstarter? WILDLY!! I mean, it isn't on a scale with STAR TREK fans bringing the television show back from the dead and getting a movie made. But in its own way, it's all the more impressive. 272 people paying down The Lebonfon Printing Debt in one go (assuming that we don't run across any hidden expenses that eat up the whole $32,500 -- that's not something that we're going to know until we walk through it). I mean, it really was -- and IS -- a matter of "I've taken CEREBUS about as far as I can go. I'll KEEP going -- but now it's up to the fans to establish how FAST and how FAR we can move ahead." 

Pretty fast and pretty far, as it turns out. :)

Adrian Duma -- Alan Stephen -- Alister Blake -- Andreas Kraft -- Andrew Bartel -- Andrew Boscardin -- Andrew Holt -- Andrew Lariviere -- Andrew Lohmann -- Andrew Wilson -- Andy Davies -- Angela Chng -- Anne Jones -- Anthony Edwards -- Anthony Houge Dunlop -- Anwar Ganama -- Ari Koivuniemi -- B -- Bagoombah -- Beanbag Amerika -- Beaudette Tristan -- Ben Le Foe -- Bill Kraut -- Bill Ritter -- B'jamin da Bass -- Bob Bretall -- Bob Chapman -- Børre -- Brett J. Brucklacher -- Brian Eckfeld -- Brian J. McCall -- BrianDenham -- Brooke Devine -- Cameron Davis -- Car50n -- Carl Hommel -- Cerdic Grimbly -- Charles Armstrong -- Charles Nilsen -- Charles Rowles -- Chris Allingham -- Chris Mannes -- Chris McClelland -- Christopher Day -- Colin M. Strickland -- Collector's Shangri-La -- CON -- Cory Foster -- Craig Gunderstorm -- Curt Rissmiller -- Dagon James -- Damin J. Toell -- Dan Schmidt -- Daniel Callahan -- Daniel Elvén -- Daniel Preece -- Daniel Theodore -- Daniel W. Cisek -- Daryl Davis -- Das -- David Banks -- David Birdsong -- David Blumer -- David Gray -- David Lamontagne -- David Marsh -- David Rankin -- David Shaw -- Dean Edney -- Dean Reeves -- Docmac -- Dominick Grace -- Don Alsafi -- Don Koch -- Don Smith -- Doug Bissell -- Drew Woodworth -- Dustin Cissell -- E G -- Ed Boyle -- Ed Wilson -- Eddie -- Eric Berry -- Eric Fennessey -- Erik van Oosten -- Florian Schiffmann -- Frankie -- Frankie Ramirez -- Future Pastimes -- Gabriel McCann -- Gary DeWulf -- Gary Dunaier -- George Peter Gatsis -- Gestalt Comics -- Giorgio Soldi -- Glen -- Gordon Burnett -- Greg Kessler -- Greg Rosa -- Gregory Benton -- Halhan -- Iain Ross -- Isobel -- Jack Kusler -- Jacqui Mercado -- Jake A. Capps -- James Coniglio -- James Moore -- Jamie Tanner -- Jan Elvsén -- Jarret Cooper -- Jason Boyd -- Jason Dougherty -- Jason Ford -- Jason Lempka -- Jason Penney -- Jason Sacks -- Jason Sperber -- Jason Trimmer -- Jay Perry -- J Cork -- Jeff Boison -- Jeff Constable -- Jeff Seiler -- Jeffrey Flam -- Jeffrey Grill -- Jeramy B Lamanno -- Jesse Lee Herndon -- Jesse Nelson -- Joe Field -- Joe Gutierrez -- Joel DiGiacomo -- John Boreczky -- John Brainard -- John Carmine -- John Dalzell -- John Long -- John Mosher -- John Osmon -- John Simms -- John Tinkess -- John Waclawski -- John Young -- Jon Hill -- Jonas -- Jonathan Hamlow -- Jonathan Rutledge -- Jonathan White -- Jose de Leon -- Joshua Leto -- JR Riley -- Julian Orr -- Kai Ylijoki -- Keith Callbeck -- Keith Young -- Kendall Swafford -- Kent Kowalski -- Kevin Kairys -- Kevin P. -- KevinR -- Kimmo Puhakka -- Kirk Spencer -- L Jamal Walton -- Larry Wooten -- Lee Thacker -- Leonard Wong -- Linda Stevens -- Linkmachinego -- Lorraine Capps -- Lou Valenti -- Luc de Chancenotte -- Luke Crane -- Lunaro -- Marc Laming -- Marc Lynch -- Marco Giuntoni -- Margaret Liss -- Marioeverardo -- Marios Poulimenos -- Mark Byzewski -- Mark Kadas -- Martin Waterman -- Marty Trengove -- Matt Daniel -- Matt Dow -- Matthew Barber -- Matthew Cettei -- Matthew Edwards -- Matthew Price -- Matthias Kraft -- Menachem Luchins -- Michael J McIntyre -- Michael Lucas -- Michael Polo -- Michael R Romano -- Michael Ragiel -- Miguel Corti -- Miguel Ruiz -- Mike Hunt -- Mike Kitchen -- Mike Lee -- Mike Losso -- Mike Ortiz -- Mint City Comics -- Morten S. Eriksen -- Murray Roach -- Nathan Cubitt -- Nathaniel Oberstein -- Neil Campbell -- Nick Hines -- Nick Pendleton -- Night Flight Comics -- Nolan -- Norman Jaffe -- Olav Beemer -- Palac -- Patrick Hess -- Patrick Taylor -- Paul Powers -- Paul Ripley -- Peter Stein -- Phill Warren -- Pyroflam -- Rafer Roberts -- Ragged Claws Network -- Rajesh Shah -- Randy Wood -- Richard Meehan -- Rob Barnes -- Robbie Foggo -- Robert H Lambert -- Robert Mino -- Roberto Accinelli -- Robin Farley -- Rostow -- Russel Dalenberg -- Samuel Fiddian -- Scott Kruse -- Scott Lazerus -- Scott Yoshinaga -- Sean Canning -- Sebastien Roy -- Shaun -- Shaun Pryszlak -- Shiri Rokshin -- Sigrid Smitt-Jeppesen -- Sordel -- Stephen -- Stephen Dennis -- Steve Harold -- Stuart Martin -- Taylor Ramsey -- Terry Stewart -- The Amazombie -- Thiery Adam -- Thuy Nguyen -- Tieg Zaharia -- Tim Burdick -- Tim Hall -- Tim Klassen -- Tim McEwen -- Tim Phillips -- Tim W -- Tobias Glister -- Tom Bither -- Tom Palmer Jr -- Tony Solomun -- Travis Pelkie -- Trevor Towers -- Troy Thompson -- Truls Arnegaard -- Utter Fool -- Vitas Povilaitis -- Warsaw Wolf -- Wayne Welgush -- Xavier Hugonet -- Zane Zielinski 

Source: Kicktraq
(Click image to enlarge)


Birdsong said...

Ooooooooooh I see my name. I knew this would be successful and beat expectations, but this was really impressive. I'm already looking forward to next time.

Travis Pelkie said...

Wow, what happened on the 24th that kicked things up that high? That's quite a leap for one day (a Saturday, the calendar tells me)

But I'm a backer! Yay! And I got my cool # locked in now and I got to send a shout out to Rafer Roberts of Plastic Farm! Go me!

Graphic Edge Print Solutions said...


The boost that you see from May 23rd to the 24th is what resulted from two announcements:

1) A reminder on 2012 KS Cerebus Digital project site (and to all those 1,100 + backers) that the new project was running, AND

2) A reminder e-mail to all of the RANYTP people in the spirit of Dave's initialism's....(Reserved A Number, Yet To Pledge).

The pickup came largely from #1. I haven't finalised the RANYTP count yet, but will do so in the next day or so. Based on the count from this past Thursday and what came in, I think there will be a decent adjustment downward for the STAND-BY reservation holders.

John Funk

Birdsong said...

The first night I logged on and went for my number and was delayed for a minute or two and I was a little miffed about it and ended up with #27. I considered for a moment asking to go stand-by for a lower number and then just decided I must have gotten that number for a reason. (Now Dave's metaphysics theories are starting to rub off on me, next I'll shave my head and start walking everywhere.)

Tony Dunlop said...

David, you're not serious about metaphysics (or "metaphysics" or "Metaphysics" or Metaphysics) until you fast a lot and pray five times a day...but think of the 401k you can build! (As a - now retired - colleague of mine once said, "If you were as cheap as me, you'd be retired by now.")

Travis Pelkie said...

AH! And I got one of those reminder emails since I'd reserved my number but hadn't pledged quite yet....