Friend to the Blog, and the guy who founded the Romulan/Rodian dating service: Steve Peters has another Kickstarter going. (I have a joke in one panel.)
Speaking of the Kickstarters, Greg Hyland is Kickstartering the second volume of the Monster Atlas, and it's gonna have Gerhard art like the first volume. It's gonna look a little something like this. Less than two hours left...
Hope everybody ordered their Jaka's Story remaster...
The Auction for the Green Dante/Green Virgil cover is still at $1277.00 US Dollars from: 高伯乐 (Gao BoLe). If you want in on this action, just comment on this post, or e-mail
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Image by Birdsong |
I'm getting ready to fax Dave the agenda for this month's Please Hold For Dave Sim.
So if you got a burning question, now's the time to ask...
Next Time: Hobbs.
Here's a weird question. What Canadian cartoon aardvark with a sour disposition debuted almost 40 years ago? Not Cerebus: Cyril Sneer!
Was Dave ever aware of CBC cartoon, the Raccoons? I loved that show as a kid (it was imported to the US on Disney, I seem to recall), especially the theme song.
Okay, Matt, some questions for Dave, since you axed first:
1) Dave, why dint you call me on my birthday? (I know you know the date, and we coulda talked about anything but sports. [Go Jays!])
2) Well, maybe you'll call today? (May-Day?)
3) Who, ultimately, was more dangerous, politically-- (or, "politically-", or Politically)-- Cirin, or Serna?
4) What do you REALLY think of Mr. Trump and, for that matter, Justin? (Is he still the P.M.?)
5) Why have you put up with me and my silliness, so kindly, for so long?
Inquring minds ... are, well, sorta, but, you know, not, you know, *really* curious. Ya know? But, Matt, asked.
JLH: No.
1) You'll see...
2) Wait for it...
3) Serna.
4) Yeah, you'll see...
5) Ditto? (Tritto? What's the ditto for a third time?)
Matt Dow
(Who wants to hear Dave talk about Frank Miller and Batman?)
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