It's Monday:
Okay, I'm gonna let "THE MOST SENSATIONAL CHARACTER FIND OF 2020" and my new friend from the 7th circle of Tokyo: Hell-Oh! Spawnee handle this:
Right, Spawn #10
(Dave and I talked about it :
Just as a reminder.)
It's the "I don't @#%&ING care about your BULL$#!*!!!" attitude that REALLY makes her unique...
Anyway, at midnight-ish. (If the page doesn't have the link to buy, hit "refresh".)
Everybody cool?
I'm not making that up, it's from the latest Spawn #10 Kickstarter update:
Greetings backers,
Today brings several updates as we enter our final few days of the Remastered & Expanded Spawn No. 10 Kickstarter.
First, we are offering 2 variants in the final 24 hours of the campaign. The first is a cover featuring Dave Sim’s unfinished art for Spawn No. 10 that features both Cerebus and Spawn. This is one of our favorite covers from this issue and we are happy to be able to offer it to all of you. This will be an affordable addition that is available to everyone as an add-on and we are also offering bundles of multiple copies at a discount for dealers and super-fans!
Next is the Zombie variant bundle that we originally offered on Halloween. Numerous backers on Android devices were unable to add this edition to their pledge due to a software issue. As a make up for the glitch we are offering it again but as a different colored cover variant. Just like the October 31stoffering it will be individually numbered and come with a packet of Spawn 10 trick-or-treat rarities created exclusively for this edition.
Both of these variants will be available during the final 24 hours of the campaign, starting Wednesday, November 11that 9pm EST.
Many of you have asked about Dave Sim’s own variant of the Halloween cover that was also available on October 31st at Because so many collectors missed out, he is offering it again but only for 24 hours. Dave Sim will hand sign and mark every copy as “AP.”
You can pick up this variant tomorrow Tuesday, November 10, only at
We did invite Dave to offer his AP copies on Kickstarter, but he wanted to keep each version as standalone exclusives for each platform. Dave and the Cerebus team are still finalizing the art and cover colors so all we can show you right now is the black and white art that Dave has sent us so far. Whether you pick up one or both, they are sure to be rare editions!
Finally, we modified the 95k level of the stretch rewards. If we do hit that goal, then every backer will receive an exclusive postcard and trading card set. They’re super cool, we promise!
Thank you again for your overwhelming support on what has been a fantastic project. A lot of people worked hard to bring this remastered and expanded edition of Spawn No. 10 to you, the fans and collectors!
Let the final countdown begin...!
Heard loud and clear. I'll be back in four hours.
Tell your friends...
Didn't see any place to request an unsigned holloween version when chacking out. How can I request one unsigned?
I'm not sure.
Presumably, you'll get a conference email asking that.
Got mine and let my fellow Spawn fans know as well. Thank Dave again for reoffering. He made a lot of fans complete.
Peter, don’t be a stranger around these parts.
Nope, some interesting stuff on here, I'll stick around.
For the Spawn APs, any chance we might know how many APs sold. I'm curious.
Been told that 52 copies sold was the final count for the Spawn APs.
So, does this confirm Dave Sim is back in the saddle in terms of being able to draw again?
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