Tuesday, 3 November 2020

It's Election Day! Apparently!

Hi, Everybody!

It's Election Day! Hope ya voted!
Dave's calling on Thursday for Please Hold For Dave Sim, get your questions in to momentofcerebus@gmail.com, or comment here. And "can I get one of dem Spawns comics?" is getting added to the "we're not answering that" pile...

Spawn #10 Kickstarter, There's an Update:
Hi everyone.

Today brings a lot of news and updates.


The October 31 flash sale generally worked as planned and was well received. Thank you to everyone whop participated.

First, a software issue on the Kickstarter side seems to make it difficult to get the new add-on feature to work on some Android devices. A lot of you left comments and sent us messages about this issue and all we can say is that kickstarter is aware and working on a fix.

For those of you who couldn’t get the variant option to work on October 31, we are offering a makeup window on the last day of the campign. The makeup edition will be printed with an alternate colored cover to set it apart from the October 31 edition but will otherwise be the same. Also, the October 31 edition and the makeup edition will both arrive individually numbered and both editions will come with the secret trick-or-treat bundle of collectibles exclusive to Kickstarter. The October 31 edition looks to be the rarest Spawn 10 variant so far. Will the makeup edition dethrone it? We will find out!

Second, as many of you are aware Dave Sim offered his own alternate version of this book offsite at the same time our edition we as offered on October 31st. We were not involved in the planning of that variant and we are not publishing or distributing that version. Had we known of those plans ahead of time we would have let everyone know and coordinated both editions. We are in talks with Dave Sim to see if that version can be offered on Kickstarter and will let you know if that will happen. The Kickstarter version has been described as the “Grandma” or “Censored” edition. In reality it is the same front cover art with primarily different text by Dave on the back cover. Nothing is blocked out or obscured as some people may think. For more information stay tuned here or check for similar updates at: momentofcerebus.blogspot.com.


Some of you have expressed interest in purchasing the sketch cover variant that we currently have listed as a stretch reward. We want to make this campaign as enjoyable as possible for everyone and we consider all of your suggestions and requests. We will offer the sketch cover to every backer in the final 24 hours of the campaign including multiple copy bundles at deep discounts. We will modify the stretch goal so that instead of the sketch cover we will offer a new bonus for every backer regardless of your pledge level so everyone gets something if we hit the target. We will update the campaign page shortly to reflect this update.

We appreciate your suggestions and requests, keep them coming as we approach our final week stretch!

On this important election day, if you are a fellow American, please vote! To everyone else, wish us luck!
Complain to your congressman, or a priest or something. razzinfrazzin' fans with their razzinfrazzin' opinions. It's not like I went looking for YOU guys...

Remastered Spawn #10 Preliminary Art (There are also original Cerebus pages up at Heritage.) I'd post pictures, but you're gonna click the link anyway... Okay, FINE!

Hello, I am here to beg you all that ordered the Halloween edition on CerebusDownloads.com to VOTE YES! to allowing a few more to be made of this version for us completists that missed out on it.
Please please please vote YES!!
Or if any of you ordered more than one copy, please reach out to me as I am in desperate need of one to finish my collection. I plan to get everything offered from the Spawn 10 KS and this being offered here instead flew under the radar. :( I will gladly trade one of the KS Halloween versions for it. Or something else you may be after.
I proposed that whoever was there to purchase the KS version, be allowed to order a copy of the CerebusDownload version, or vise versa. But it seems like it will come down to the votes of YES instead. So at the suggestion of Dave S. I am here to beg to get the YES votes out there so I may add this to my collection. Limiting it to those that ordered the KS version, would still keep the book very limited.
I'm Steve Gouge, and I approve this message 
What the fuck...

Who the hell was that?

What's going on?

Oh well, don't confront me none, long as I get my rent by next Friday...

Order the new Cerebus in Hell?s: CEREBUS IN HELL? PREVIEW 2021 and The "Censored-For-Grandma" variant Batvark XXXXX SECOND PRINTING

End of the month, the 25th, pick up Spider-Whore. I'm not going to, because my 15 "contributor" copies showed up in the mail today. (I had nothing to do with this issue, but my name is on the cover.) I got issues #175-189 out of 2414. I'm signing and sending Dave five issues of his pick of numbers, but then I'ma offer the rest to the fine folks willing to give me money, kinda like I am with: copies of Vark Wars: Walt's Empire Strikes Back (Signed by Dave, Signed by Dave and me, Signed by me after I scribble out Dave's name, Pretty much available Signed only...).
Check out the new Cerebus masks and whatnots. PENIS and XXXXX added. (I'm not adding the Second Print cover unless there is actual demand.)

As you all know, Wilf Jenkins was the Aardvark/Vanaheim lawyer for years, and during that time he was on the comp list. Wilf saved all his copies. Dave and Wilf have signed them, and there's a certificate of authenticity. The books will be available from Looking For Heroes, for $10 (CAD) plus $4 dollars shipping to Canada and $5 dollars shipping to the USA. All the money goes to the Food Bank of the Waterloo Region.

Speaking of Election Day, and Spawn #10, here's how the voting stands amongst the UN-Censored Spawn #10 Halloween Variant that was offered through cerebusdownloads.com, and which MAY be available again if enough of the buyers vote "Yes" on Prop '77:
11 Yes
6 No
3 Abstain

Mind you, I don't really give a shit either way. I didn't buy either of the Halloween variants. I just post about them for the benefit of you guys.  Nobody cares about Matt...

Well, except Gerhard, who sent me a message titled "good grief":
As "interim" becomes "interminable".
Why is this thus? What is the reason for this thusness?
    -Artemus Ward
Thanks Ger! 

I needed that...

Next Time: Hobbs explains why HE can't get you a Spawn #10 variant so STOP ASKING!!!


Michael R. said...

Hi Matt!
Was that a "grandma" rock or was that a "censored" rock? LOL!!
Michael R.

Fumerkeys said...

Heh, watching the election votes on the TV, watching the Spawn #10 Halloween votes on here. Looks like half the vote is reporting. Amused.

Steve said...


Three consecutive original art pages, and oh so beautiful.

I've been selling like crazy on eBay for several months now, saving up in case I get hit with another 8 weeks off courtesy of COVID, or too in case something special that requires some $$$ shows up.

But I'm real sure I am no where near the dollar level the three pages would cost.


And I'm a Scrooge in some respects, so my vote is a


Steve said...

And my Please Hold questions:

1) Why was the cover to Swords vol #1 changed from the first to second printing?
(...I may have already asked this and forgotten Dave's answer...)
(...and as a former pressman, I have to say: knockout text like what's on the back cover is an absolute BITCH to print on a one or two color press!!...)

2) Were any changes made to the art / dialogue / etc when going from the original 'floppies' to the initial phone book printings?

3) What issues during the original 300 run had a second printing, and were all those issues so designated on the front cover?

4) Why the investment in Canadian price variant comics (multiple copies, at that), titles like Ms. Tree, and whatever else?
Is this an investment you think could later be sold to help finance the Archive?
Simply want some clarity on your thinking.


Jeff said...

I already sent in my Q for Dave last week, when you said to send them in. But you might have been delirious then, Manly, so go look it up.

Good Q's, Steve.

Fumerkeys said...

Your vote is a what Steve?

RSS said...

"Nobody cares about Matt..."
Not true... Not true!
Yesterday I commented (here) "You're doing a great job, Matt!"
And I drew "Guy" modelling a pair of "Spawnee" boxerbriefs...
You don't see/won't see either because, alas:
These days I work mostly in my head (illegal entry and whatnot)...
So you'll have to take my word for it
Likewise Dave leaves me disappearing phone messages
Three of them, by now - so I'm on par with local standards, really
So yeah: evidence to the contrary, Matt!
(as much as you'll get, these days...)
Thanks Matt!

RSS said...

NB not Dave's fault, and I told him that

Brian West said...

Questions for Dave: How’s Cerebus Campaign 2020 going? Have all the results for the “RED STATE,” “BLUE STATE,” and “I VOTE FOR CEREBUS” editions of HIGH SOCIETY been tabulated yet? If not, which edition is in the lead so far?

Anonymous said...

Congratulations, guys!
Er, do I get kicked out for saying that?