Thursday 29 April 2021

Your opinion is valuable to us...

 Just an FYI: comments on A Moment of Cerebus are now 100% moderated, and will be until shit like this: "Pretty sure jews started every war. Send them jews to the desert!" stops.

(And if you're the genius who keeps posting this crap: KNOCK IT OFF ASSHOLE!)


Damian T. Lloyd, Esq. said...

Um ... that is not cool. Some person or persons have really been posting excrescences like that? It is unfortunate to observe that racists and bigots of all stripes have become emboldened; I hope this is their last desperate flailing before they fade into death and deserved obscurity. Didn't we fight a World War against this sort of stuff? It was in all the papers and everything! And as I recall, it warn't Da Jooz who started it.

I regret the necessity of comment moderation, but we can't let this place turn into a Nazi bar. And that's what happens: if you don't evict the Nazis, the good people leave, and then you're left with nothing but the Nazis.

Does Blogmeister "Manly" Matt D. have the time to moderate all comments in a prompt fashion? Does he need some Deputy Blogmeisters to assist?

-- Damian

Mouse Skull Entertainment said...

That's actually the "nicest" thing that was posted.

I have all the time in the world.

Stop laughing.

I'm serious.

Okay, "I'll get to it when I get to it" is the official stance now.

(This is gonna make Saturday fun...)

Mouse Skull Entertainment said...

Starting to wonder why Tim ever allowed comments in the first place...


Bill Ritter said...

I'll echo Damian's comment. If you ever need any assistance from a high-strung, slightly OCDish, Cerebusfanboy with collector motivations and irrationality, let me know.

Matt, sir...good luck.

Anonymous said...

Rich from Peoria here:


Agreed with the question on the need for comments on AMOC. I refuse to use Facebook but wasn't that the original purpose?

We need to give Matt fewer headaches folks.

Dave Kopperman said...

Question (for Matt, who I'm assuming will read this before allowing it to post): have you been reading all the comments all along? I ask because if it's a labor issue, then adding a moderating layer before comments can be posted wouldn't actually be any extra work.

If the idea is that moving the Cerebus comments completely over to Facebook, I don't see that solving the problem of antisemitic, racist, misogynist, or any other distressing shit occasionally slouching up. It's the internet. Even if this were a Dunkin' Donuts fan blog, the discussion would become a cesspool of that toxicity if left completely unmoderated. I'm sure people here are aware of the Microsoft Twitter bot experiment from a few years back?

Damian T. Lloyd, Esq. said...

The bot turned into a Nazi, if I recall correctly, Dave K.?

I'm certain that Dave, for one, would be delighted to see AMoC do away with comments. His preferred method of communication has always been one-way: he talks, and you listen and agree. He doesn't seem to have much use for other people except as an audience.

-- D.