Tuesday 20 September 2022

Cerebus Action Figure!?!

Hi, Everybody!

Here's a thing:

The "deets" (as the kids say):
Cerebus! We will be releasing him as part of our @sewerwarriors line.
Painted by @duzmachines84
Sculpt by @gustavoprofeta
You can buy one (when they're available) here

No, these aren't licensed by Dave.

I don't think he's gonna get "a piece of the action".

And based on the other items in their store, I think these things are gonna be $150 bucks a pop.

But hey!


Next Time: Hobbs.


Christon said...

Finally!!! I look forward to these being available. I want one, possibly two!

Jason said...

Any idea how this is possible if Dave didn't sign off?

john g. said...

Love it! Do they also have a Mickey Mouse or Batman?