Monday 5 September 2022

Spore VS Batvark

Hi, Everybody!


So, the other day, I realized that Todd MacFarlane and DC were doing another Spawn Batman crossover.
So I let the CiH? braintrust (and Dave) know. And Dave responded:
Then Hobbs sent (and Dave responded):

And again:
And Birdsong sent:
And Dave responded:

And then Dave asked:
Then I FINALLY got a chance to get a word in edgewise, and Dave responded:

No, I meant my Spawn Parody Dave:

Next Time: More faxes.


Michael R. said...

This is for any gags welcome.

If Dave was going to incorporate me, Margaret and anyone else in a CIH? comic it would now. We all be hanging around asking BTVRK for autographs with trees. Potato salad jokes, too, would be welcome.

How about a variant cover of me, Margaret and anyone else in mind with Spore and BTVRK at the convention?

john g. said...

That is the first time in all of human history that anyone has written the phrase “Batvark Penis Needle-Moving Numbers.”

Dan Eckhart said...

The first thing that came to my mind when reading Dave's comment was Shirley Jones in "The Music Man" saying, "What band?" Is that what Dave meant?