Sunday 18 September 2022

I got the scans man...

Hi, Everybody!

Picking up from Tuesday:
Dave got me the original art scans (click for bigger on all these): 

Here's the detail Dave was talking about:

He said:
So there ya go.

If you REALLY need to see it in full 20,000DPI, lemme know and I'll see what I can do...
Steve Peters Week?

Get in on it!
Oliver's Cerebus movie: The Absurd, Surreal, Metaphysical, and Fractured Destiny of Cerebus the Aardvark it's currently available on "Plex", "Xumo", "Vimeo On Demand", "Tubi".  And if you're in Brazil...
The Waverly Press has an Instagram. And will be posting updates and teasers for upcoming projects with Dave. Like the 1982 Tour book.

So does Carson. He and Sean got the YouTubes too. Order their book The Abolition of Man #1. Hey look they got a second one: The Abolition of Man #2!

Eddie doesn't have an Instagram OR a YouTube. But he's got his Strange Death of Alex Raymond annotations. (I mean, I assume. Maybe he's ALL over the 'gram and just not telling me...)

If you backed a Cerebus related Kickstarter, make sure 

Heritage has pages from Cerebus #1 (like, has the WHOLE issue's original art hit the block recently?!?). And a whole heap of other neat stuff.
Up to 35% off site-wide:
September 22-26.
Tell your fans! Remind them that everything will be up to 35% off -- that means $13 tees, $20 phone cases, $30 hoodies, and way more!

Next Time: Cleaning up more of the stuff Dave's sent in the past week...


Steve said...

Awfully large hat of an argument to be hung on such a small nail of evidence.


Tony Dunlop said...

"Awfully large hat of an argument to be hung on such a small nail of evidence."

Well, doesn't that basically describe the whole SDOAR project? (Mind you, I'm very, very glad I have it, and very much hope more is coming - but it is, as the saying goes, "for entertainment purposes only.")

Dave Kopperman said...

I think Dave may be right that a lot of what Raymond was doing was about saving as much time as possible. Some of the underdrawing is fairly perfunctory (if you can figure out what's going on with the hand of the theater promoter (?) in the third panel, more power to you). But Raymond obviously knew he could make anything iffy work in the inking stage because he had an absurd level of control of the tools and techniques. Certainly, if anyone has ever had to mediate seriously about meeting regular deadlines while working in pen and ink, it would be Dave Sim, so he'd have some insight to Raymond's thought process on that front.

Tony again said...

Oh yeah, and that Inside Baseball stuff is one of the many things I love about SDOAR; listening to a master of comic art wax eloquent (and profuse!) about other acknowledged masters of the craft. But Dave does tend to heap up mountains where others might see molehills, is all...I keep thinking of that Raymond-Caniff handshake photo that gets so much mileage...