Saturday 3 September 2022

Please Hold For Dave Sim 9/2022

Hi, Everybody!

It's the first Saturday after the first Thursday, which means it's Please Hold For Dave Sim Time!

First the Audio:

Then the Video:
Part one: We remember Seiler by talking about the things he did when he was (probably) drunk:
Part two: Nadab Art asked:
My question is about Archbishop Posey. Did you consciously decide not include him in the double page spread in issue 300? I ask because you've said the reason Rick isn't there is that he's one of the most devout monotheists in the story. I couldn't help but notice some similarities between the two characters. They were both devout in their respective faiths, they were both martyred (though, maybe they killed Posey for simply stepping out of line), and they were both not in the spread in #300. Put another way: If Cerebus had a thought bubble of Posey with a question mark instead of Rick as he jumped into the light, would he have had a similar reaction to his absence? (Maybe not since Cerebus might associate Rick with his faith in God and Posey with his faith in Tarim.)

There's also the fact that in #160 Suenteus Po said Posey "died happily and at peace." At peace with God perhaps?

Dave answers:
Part three: Mike Sewall asks:
Question for Dave:
I couldn’t help but notice a vast number of comics are printed in Canada.
Question - Is Dave Sim the reason so many comics are printed in Canada? Cost of kindly labour? Quality of socialist paper? Canadian OCD persnickety-ness?

M J (Mike) Sewall
And Dave and I TRY to answer:
Part Four: Steve asked:
Dave, what foreign editions of Spawn #10 are already in the Archive?

I hope that South African copy was a new and welcome edition!

That's all for now, don't want to exceed Matt's time limit....
Dave answers, and I drop a couple of lil' bombs...
Part five: Michael R. of Easton, PA asks:
Hi Dave!

In your fax to Matt on "24 August 22" you wrote, "do I have to change to take the wrist stress down to zero and get everyone the same level of sketch? By the time I hit #26 - MICHAEL R. :) of EASTON PA, IS ALWAYS #26!!! - I pretty much had it figured out." My question is: Now that you "pretty much figured it out" does this mean you found that sweet spot in your penciling and inking where you are feeling more comfortable to increase your artistic workload?

Michael R.
PS --- The heads sketches look awesome! So happy I switched some stuff around in the Cerebus No. 4 6-7/78 & POT 8.2 Kickstarter and got one.
Dave answers, and I show off some recent art that'll be part of the Turtles #8 Kickstarter:
Part Six: Colin Upton sent in:
Sorry I didn't get back to you earlier. I might have to change the copy on the Poison Elves panel, I forgot he was picked up by Siruis so wasn't self publishing at his death. I am thinking of adding some copy about online crowdfunding is making self publishing a viable option, for some. Drew Hayes was such a tragic figure, I remember meeting him in Seattle, it may have been Spirits, and how enthused he was over his goal of producing a page a day and more. The next time I saw, months later, he was a broken man. Very sad.

PS I am recovering from Covid but as I am fully vacced it's a mild case. Being vaccinated is no guarantee you won't catch Covid but most likely it won't kill you.

PSS I looked at faxing through my computer but I couldn't figure it out... besides being old I have learning disabilities.
Dave answers and talks about Drew Hayes, then Brian West asks:
Has anyone ever asked you to sign an autograph onto their body so they could create a tattoo from it later?

And Dave answers:
Next Time: I don't take all day to get a post done...

1 comment:

Steve said...

Unfortunately, since I can't now present it as evidence, my cell phone provider automatically deletes phone messages after a period of time.

Dave called and left me a message on July 13th, part of which is his letting me know he'd like to see the Seiler sketched Guide in person.

I had a few other things I'd wanted to send him anyway so I shipped off a Priority box. In that box I also sent along a two page letter explaining what and why I was sending this variety of items.

In the letter I gave clear, unambiguous instructions as to what MY preference was with the Seiler Guide once Dave was done with it.

Why now, in this Please Hold segment, he indicates he doesn't know what my preferences are is unknown to me.

So I faxed my original letter to him on September 4th.
Hopefully this time it sticks.
