Tuesday 11 July 2023

SDOAR 2023 GoFundMe Update #28: Dave Daps Up JDG!

"I gotta give JDG major marks on her innovation on the GoFundMe structure which is every time another $200 US is raised, it unlocks the next page of my Strange Death of Alex Raymond mockups ... It's a nice democratic and egalitarian solution because people who definitely cannot afford to contribute much to a GoFundMe campaign are still able to contribute part of the $200, and the people who can afford to unlock a page or most of a page, everyone gets the benefit of that, everyone gets to read the next page." - Dave Sim, Please Hold for Dave Sim, July 2023

 Aw, Dave, you're making me blush! But talk about a perfect setup for...

Just the Facts, Ma'am, aka GFM Tote Board

  • *ONE* new page unlocked since last week
  • $7,305.00 raised from 122 donations (plus $62.08 outside of GoFundMe).
  • 40 new pages released as mocked up by Dave Sim from Jun. 11 to Sep. 21, 2021
  • 61 total pages available on Dropbox, including Dave's 2019 mocked-up pages
  • Only $95.00 away from unlocking page 62
  • If you have not donated >> $5+ donation grants access to all 61 pages and all pages moving forward! 
  • If you have donated (thanks!!) >> GoFundMe does not have an option for monthly subscriptions. So... if you want to donate on a monthly basis, please do so as we are almost midway through month #7.
  • GoFundMe is a dreadful communication platform -- if you haven't heard back from me, gotten access to the new pages, etc., please email me at jen@typingmonkeys.com
SDOAR 2023 GoFundMe -->> https://www.gofundme.com/f/sdoar-2023

Now if I only had a good segue. Oh wait, I know!

Just the FAQs, Ma'am

Tom Richards asks, "Hi Jen! Can you share all the rewards Matt got for his donation?"

To which Jen responds with, "Why yes! Thanks so much for asking such another timely question that wasn't made up at the spur of the moment. Let's check out the cool stuff Matt Dow got for unlocking page 313!"

Want to get your own cool stuff? Simply donate enough to unlock the next page (every $200) and we'll get Dave to take care of you! Just remember to confirm if you want it signed, personalized, any recommended personalization, and Fanny's your aunt! 

If you want something super special, like the AMOCnutz/Emos above, please reach out to me at jen@typingmonkeys.com and we'll see what sort of donation Dave might have in mind.

SDOAR 2023 GoFundMe -->> https://www.gofundme.com/f/sdoar-2023 <<-- SDOAR 2023 GoFundMe

I wonder if I can keep flogging the homophones here. Why, yes, I can!

Just the Fax, Ma'am

What did Dave fax me this week? Why it's another SDOAR page log!
Um. Will? If you are reading this, can you send me and/or Eddie your details?

Jen's Non-Stressful Giant-Sized Ashcan(s) Update
Eddie provided feedback on #1, so we have a few tweaks on that front to clean up.

I have 24 pages to review before we can get the RESTORED #0 Printers Proof up and running.

As for the REMASTERED editions, Philip and I are deep in discussions over how to remaster a rainbow. Seriously. Jewelers loupe and all that good stuff. Slow but steady wins the race!

That's all she wrote!


SDOAR 2023 GoFundMe -->>
 https://www.gofundme.com/f/sdoar-2023 <<-- SDOAR 2023 GoFundMe

 P.S. I know what you're thinking. Where is the damn SDOAR 2023 strip, Jen? Well, as Manly can attest, these strips can take up a fair amount of time to write, create, fine tune, obsess over, and to make sure they're actually funny. My schedule is getting quite hectic, for good or for ill, so I'm going to have to ask everyone to be patient -- and new strips will come out organically -- or after Manly really pisses me off. So in this case, the DiGiacomo knows nuthin'!


Larry Wooten said...

Margaret showing up all geared up was a hoot.

Margaret said...

It does make me chuckle to see it. I'm even wearing the hat that looks like a helmet with horns (which I only got because it reminded me of Cerebus' helmet). Perhaps in one of these strips I'll have a hockey stick and then I'll have my spear and magic helmet. :D

Mouse Skull Entertainment said...

Jesus Mags...

That sounds like work.


Margaret said...

I can provide a photo reference if that helps. . .perhaps a picture of me riding a dolphin to Mealc?

Tony Dunlop said...

Aren't "Jesus Mags" what Joel Osteen has on his hot-rod '72 Charger?