Saturday 30 December 2023

New old Dave art?

Hi, Everybody!

Last week when I ran the anniversary of Gerhard finishing his work on the monthly Cerebus book, I ran an image that Ger was particularly proud of. Damian said he couldn't see it. I fixed it, but here it is again:

Say, who wants to see some new old Dave art?

There's old Dave. And his new art.

Click for bigger:

What are these?
So, that's a thing that's gonna happen.

But just for Margaret and Jen:
(Click for bigger)

That's right, those are Strange Death of Margaret Mitchell The Strange Death of Alex Raymond pages.

And look at Dave's feet:

Okay, see ya tomorrow for the AMOC year end round-up...

1 comment:

Margaret said...

Yes, please more new Dave Sim art. Thank you for the close-ups Boss Man.