Thursday 28 December 2023

Notebook One - Cerebus #20 Material Part Two?


A few years ago I scanned all of Dave Sim's notebooks. He had filled 36 notebooks during the years he created the monthly Cerebus series, covering issues #20 to 300, plus the other side items -- like the Epic stories, posters and prints, convention speeches etc. A total of 3,281 notebook pages detailing his creative process. I never really got the time to study the notebooks when I had them. Just did a quick look, scanned them in and sent them back to Dave as soon as possible. So this regular column is a chance for me to look through those scans and highlight some of the more interesting pages.

As we continued on our journey of looking at the pages from Dave Sim’s first notebook, aka Albatross One, last week with pages 4, 5, and 6 this week will not be page 7 as you might of think.  We’ve already looked at page 7 in Notebook Pages on Mind Game. While page 6 only went over some of page one of Cerebus #20, it did mention Perce the Cirinist along with some of what Cirinists believe.

And with all this talk of Mind Games look what starts on page 8 of the notebook – if you guess Mind Game’s planning, you’d be correct (and yes, click the pictures to enlarge them):

Notebook 1, page 8

And Cerebus #20 does start like this – with the two Cirinists discussing how Cerebus will see things in the form of symbols and how they need to be reading the card while talking to him. The line ‘Cerebus didn’t meditate Cerebus has been drugged’ made it in the issue as well.

On page 9 the dialogue between Cerebus and Po shows up:

Notebook 1, page 9

As you can see, near the middle of the page, the dialogue splits on the two sides of the page. On the left is the dialogue between Cerebus and Po and on the right side is the dialogue between Pearce and Wenda, the two Cirinists. This mimics the layout of the dialogue in Mind Game with the different characters. The dialogue is very similar to the finished dialogue as well. 

And as you’d expect the next page is just another wall of text. More dialogue for Cerebus #20:

Notebook 1, page 10

It starts at the top with Po’s dialogue about looking for a book that would help Cerebus talk with the Cirinists. The line “The rebirth is at hand” makes it into the final pages. The bit about the color being gold didn’t show up as far as I can see. 


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