Tuesday 15 October 2024

SDoAR 2.41: New Dave Sim SDOAR Art? New Raffle? You Betcha!!


Dave has seen the SDOAR Giant-Size Ashcans, including No. 0 which features the blue pages from The Strange Death of Alex Raymond hardcover (technically "color holds"), and No. 1 which boasts the 21 mockups Dave did that come *after* the hardcover.

What was his reaction?

Huzzah! Fantastic work, Philip!

There's lots of work to get to a final version, Dave is meticulous after all, but two things to note.

1) There will only be one version published, the Remastered one, which Philip and I are relieved to hear.

2) Dave has decided to *draw* some of the panels that aren't reproducing as nicely as he would like. So yeah, new Dave Sim artwork on the way!

How cool is that?!?

What that also means is that I'll be able to update you on progress every single week from now on!

Unfortunately, fundraising has slowed to a bit of crawl, which means it's time for me to unveil items for the next raffle:
Cerebus #16, 17, 18, 19, 20 and Gold #0...
... and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #8, The T8 Ashcan Preview book with wraparound Green Foil cover (limited to 120 copies)...
... and Cerebus/TMNT cards #87 and 88, and finally Comics Journal no. 66 with Cerebus Six Deadly Sin ad within.

All that can be yours for only $25 per raffle ticket!

Rules to win the October Raffle and Help Out SDoAR

Entries (or our equivalent of raffle tickets) cost $25 each and can be donated via lump sum to the Strange Death of Alex Raymond 2024 GoFundMe campaign through Monday, November 11, 2024 at midnight, PST.

I will then randomly assign numbers to each entry and have Dave pull one more Karnak, and I'll announce the winner on November 12, 2024.

Just the GoFundMe Facts, Ma'am

  • $15,137.00 raised to date from 261 donations
  • 79 new pages released as mocked up by Dave Sim from 11 June to 22 December 2021
  • 100 total pages available on Dropbox, including Dave's 2019 mocked-up pages
  • $63.00 away from unlocking page 101
  • If you have not donated > $5+ donation grants access to all 100 pages and all pages moving forward
  • If you have donated, thank you, but if you want to donate monthly, GoFundMe does not offer that option, so please do so as we are in the middle of month #10 of Year 2.

The Strange Death of Alex Raymond Preview, Part Forty

Okay, sports fans. The following are links to previous updates that featured pages from The Strange Death of Alex Raymond hardcover. If you click on the links in order, you can begin to devour the magnum opus that is the Strange Death of Alex Raymond...


Jen xx
SDOAR GoFundMe -->> https://www.gofundme.com/f/sdoar-2023 <<-- SDOAR GoFundMe

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