Wednesday 19 June 2024

The Ladies of Cerebus: AI edition: Part One: Astoria

Benjamin Hobbs:

I was sitting here trying to decide what to post and an email came in from David Birdsong.  He's made some AI images of the Ladies of Cerebus.  

This week, let's take a look at Astoria:

 I look forward to all the constructive criticism in the comments. 

Next Week: Red Sophia AI!


Christon said...

I see Astoria in pic #2...also, I look forward to what your program creates for Red Sophia

Anonymous said...

please, enough with the ai images.

Dave Kopperman said...

1) agreed that enough with the AI stuff, and 2) wasn’t Astoria modeled on Mary Astor? These don’t look anything like her.

Anonymous said...

The lazy anti-creative AI stuff is about the worst possible way to represent a site that is ostensibly about honouring one of the most talented dedicated painstaking creators of all time.

Anonymous said...

Enough with the lazy AI spam.

Anonymous said...

Ilove it. Do more. Do Elrod next.

Anonymous said...


Sometimes you crack me up. "Constructive." Ha! First, happy belated birthday to you. Second, constructive. Hmm. the other anonymous note this figure doesn't really resemble Astoria. It doesn't look like anyone, really, it's generic. If Dave draws Astoria we all know it's her. If a talented enough artist takes a stab at it, we should be able to identify her. But this, has no life to it. For whatever reason this is a course you've decided to go down.

I agree with this here: "AI stuff is about the worst possible way to represent a site that is ostensibly about honouring one of the most talented dedicated painstaking creators of all time." No doubt.

I get why people use it. I hope it never puts people out of work. I respect someone actually drawing with their own creativity, even if it turns out mediocre than the most prestine computer program drawing.

But I respect people's right to choose and if you want to continue posting these images here, I'm not going to tear them apart or rail against Artifical "intellgence." I'm only saying something because of Matt's comment.

Also, and with rare exception, to date no one else's artwork of Dave's characters really connects because unlike so many other major comic characters in the west, he's the primary artist on Cerebus. No going from Kirby, Adams, Byrne, Silvestri and so on, just pure Dave and while Cerebus evolved over the years it was still from one man's hand.

For some reason Gerhard's Cerebii look the best for non-Dave drawings. My point is, I'm not the intended audience for this; then why say anything? I guess I took Matt's joke seriously, though I don't know how constructive any of this was.

Superman has a distinctive costume and appearance, variations can go wide and still appear as Superman. But Astoria? What signifying features does she have? Nothing that a computer program can put together without it looking like a generic brunette woman. Dave's artistry brought life to the character, there is some unquantifiable factor there; something special. This generated image could be Astoria, could be Wednesday Addams grown up, could be actress Krsyten Ritter and so is nobody.

That's all, I think, I have to say on this. But if it brings you some joy to fiddle with it and post it, then I hope you continue to find some satisfaction in these efforts even if they're not to my taste.


A Fake Name

Mouse Skull Entertainment said...

A Fake Name: actually, this is a Hobbs post (Wednesday).

I have nothing to do with it, don't even have an opinion (mainly because I know what the CiH? team is up to, and I'm waiting for the "finished" product.

But, everybody, substitute "Hobbs" for "Matt" in Name's comment.

Manly Matt Dow

Anonymous said...

Ah, a lesson to me to be more precise. I knew this wasn't you, I should've made that clearer. Yes, Hobbs! My apologies for any confusion.


A Fake Name