Wednesday, 6 July 2022

CIH? Trading Cards: Series 6 Preview

Benjamin Hobbs:

This week I've been working on the trading cards for the upcoming Kickstarter for Swords of Cerebus In Hell? Volumes 11 and 12.

The Hermann card is in progress:

The border was briefly orange, but Hermann is an Aardvark, so he should have a black border.  (Unless I decide to give him the title of ARTIFICIAL CHEESE-DUST COVERED AARDVARK. Then the border could be orange.)

I was trying to see how long it would take to do sketch cards of Batvark and Dr. Varkhatten.  Batvark always takes a long time to draw. I filled in the left side of the figure with mostly black, which looks alright, and saved some time. The grey was added with a water-based marker, the same as the previous Cerebus sketch card. Water-based markers draw mostly smoothly over India Ink.

The first take on Varkhatten looked a bit off.  The nib was dying, and the sketch cards are unforgiving with ink anyway, leaving a less than precise line.  Additionally, the blue marker is Alcohol-based, which, apparently, smears India Ink badly. 

The next Varkhatten card was drawn with a Micron pen and colored with the Alcohol-based marker.  The ink didn't smear, except in the large black circle on his chest.  The Alcohol-based marker bleeds through the card. The Water-Based marker does not.  I'll be looking for a blue Water-based marker soon.

Next Week: The Watchvark card, assuming I can find the original art scans. Blue Water-Based marker update?

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