Sunday 8 January 2023

Please Hold For Dave Sim 1/2023

Hi, Everybody!

53 more sleeps until the Remastered Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #8 from The Waverly Press Kickstarter launches:



Part one: Remembering Jeff Seiler, Dave gives a couple of shoutouts:
Part two: The Last Day remastered edition is getting pushed back. And we discuss Dave Sim the Barbarian:
Part three: Spatula sent in some images. Dave and I discuss:
Part four: Page 20 of Cerebus #2. AT. A. FLEA. MARKET!!!
Part five: Michael R. (and family?) have a question about Dave's use of accents:
Part six: Steve Peters has a question about mungu mkono: Next Time: I dunno, the ephemera that goes along with all this?

1 comment:

Michael R. said...

I'm not sure if anyone else who reads or rereads Cerebus, but when I am rereading the Guys phonebook (or any of the phonebooks), I catch myself talking to myself trying to capture the accent of the characters. Even if it's just a "normal" conversation between the characters, it's so funny to me.