Wednesday 22 February 2023

Cancel America #1 at your LCS... TODAY!

Benjamin Hobbs:
First, Matt:
7 more sleeps until 
Hobbs would have done a better job...

from The Waverly Press Kickstarter launches:

Man, that's coming up pretty quickly. How quickly? There's a pre-launch pageTHAT quickly!


Today is the last Wednesday of the month! An ALL NEW CIH? is at your LCS! Hurry in TODAY to pick up YOUR copy of CANCEL AMERICA #1! Signed and Unsigned!

Now available to order from Diamond, THE AVERSIONS #1! Available in Regular and Signed editions:  

Next Week: ZERO mo' sleeps! TMNT8 LAUNCHES!


Milton Marx said...

Jesus Christ Dave, who hurt you? Great job keeping the legacy alive with pulling the ‘punch down and play the victim’ card.

Anonymous said...

Did a lot of shops refuse to carry this one? It seems a lot harder to find than normal, and is already listed for weirdly high prices on eBay.

Brian West said...

I ordered my copies at the shop I go to in Louisville, and received CANCEL AMERICA #1 with no complaints or hassle from the staff. So, that's a "no" from me about refusals and whatnot.

Anonymous said...

None of the sites I usually order from have it in stock, with one of them not listing it at all (not even an out-of-stock listing), and based on a Google search trying to find other places, practically everywhere seems to either have it out of stock or has deleted the page for it entirely after it had been indexed by Google. And even non-signed copies are going for $50+ on eBay for some reason. Unless it's just taking longer than normal for the stock to arrive or something, it seems like something might be going on.

Anonymous said...

Don't get suckered in by eBay sellers. You can buy copies at some of the established online comic sellers for less than cover price. I saw one selling the signed edition for $13.50 (Midtown Comics).

Anonymous said...

Majority of the copies have shipped from Diamond. I’m wondering if the weather is causing issues in some way?

Michael R. said...

I got both the regular issue and the signed edition no problem at JAF Comics in Bethlehem, PA. today.

Tony Dunlop said...

My guess is Eddie's right. Travel has been almost impossible in much of the U S of A this week. There are always those entrepreneurs who will extract profit from things like that.

Damian T. Lloyd, Esq. said...

Milton M.: It is well-known that Dave took it very hard when Deni dumped him.

-- Damian