Saturday 4 March 2023

Please Hold For Dave Sim 3/2023

Hi, Everybody!



Once again, Aardvark-Vanaheim President Dave Sim and A Moment of Cerebus Interim Editor Manly Matt Dow take three-ish hours out of their busy days to answer reader questions, drop some news, and generally "shoot the $#!*" in a lil' sumthin'-sumthin' we call Please Hold For Dave Sim.

In this, the THIRD installment for 2023, Dave and Manly discuss:
Part 1:
Matt remembers Cerebus fan, and Dave Sim Superfan, Jeff Seiler. Specifically that time Jeff nearly cancelled Judenhass and glamourpuss. Good times.
Dave answers the first (in what will be a series of questions) from Adam J. Elkhadem, creator of Octave the Artist
Then we head to the Big Board to see how the Remastered Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #8 Kickstarter is doing. As of this writing, it's at $44,718 with 303 backers.
What music Matt used for the TMNT #8 countdown video he made.
Then a deep dive into the can of worms Darrell Cook opened in the Cerebus Faceybookee group, wherein he talks about Jaka's molestation as a child, and his suspicions that Lord Julius was the culprit. This goes on for a while...
Part 3:
Michael R., of the Easton, Pennsylvania Rs, asks about the "apposite biblical reference" of Jaka and the red wine at the end of Rick's Story.
Michael Grabowski asks about the Cirinists adulation of Jaka in Going Home.
And then three questions about the Remastered Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #8 Kickstarter all came in AT THE SAME TIME. What. A. Coincidence.

Next Time: Updates to stuff


Michael R. said...

Hi Matt!
Hahaha! I do "watch" PHFDS, but occasionally I do walk away and continue to listen. I must have walked away. Twice. LOL. For me, it was sheer coincidence that I happened to be reading Rick's Story around the same time. That's I mentioned it in side note. But away ... GREAT JOB getting all the visuals for the PHFDS. I really don't know how you find the time. Whatever they're paying you, you should ask for more. LOL!!!!
Michael R.

Michael Grabowski said...

Hi, Matt & Dave. Thanks for taking the time to address my question at length in the late part of your very long conversation, and then to take the time to prep it to post here. It was enlightening and is much appreciated.