Tuesday 28 March 2023

SDOAR 2023 GoFundMe #13: Ashcans Unlocked! More Emo Dave!

 "Deft and truly illuminating rumination on the aesthetics of comics in their historic context ... brilliantly injects a whining Charlie Brown into the history as Schulz’s aesthetic counterforce to the short-lived photo-realist era of American comics."  

- Steve Smith, Panels and Prose

How could I resist a reference to Charlie Brown and, by extension, Emo Dave? 

I must thank everyone who sent emails claiming to enjoy the first Emo Dave strip. Sometimes you put stuff out there to deafening silence, and other times you get chants of "More Emo Dave!" Let's see if I can't dampen your enthusiasm with strip #2.
TMI, Emo Dave! TMI.

Since the tote board didn't make it into this week's strip, let's get an up-to-the-minute SDOAR 2023 GoFundMe campaign update here:
  • $4,285 raised from 68 donations
  • 25 new pages released as mocked up by Dave Sim from June 11 to August 18, 2021
  • 46 total pages available on Dropbox, including Dave's 2019 mocked-up pages
  • Only $115 away from unlocking fantastic page 47
  • SDOAR 2023 Ashcans Vol. 0 & Vol. 1 are now unlocked
Speaking of which... 

Jen's Non-Stressful Ashcan(s) Update

Emo Dave might be exaggerating just a bit, but putting together two ashcans is a bit daunting. That said, here is where we stand as of today.

I emailed Alfonso at Preney at StudioComix Press with details on the ashcans and asked what he needs from me and in what format to get started. No word back yet, but it's still early days. I will likely run through several proofs before sharing with Dave. I will also likely test out two versions, one comic book size and one California Test Edition size, to gauge the difference in readability. Dave is dubious that comic book size is going to readable.

NO pricing decisions have been made. I need to confirm costs with Alfonso based on a limited print run. Based on feedback so far, my gut says with we go with the larger size, first edition is available for GoFundMe donors only, then open it up after delivery to a broader audience. But let's not put the cart before horse until I have more information.

Since this is my first go at this, I don't have a date for release, but will provide weekly updates here on my progress. On the bright side, Alfonso knows what he is doing, so hopefully he'll guide me through the rough patches. And let's face it, I opted for the term "Ashcan" just in case I suck at this.

Issue details as of this moment are...

Ashcan #0: 28 pages including cover. Pages 1-21 from Dropbox, plus three SDOAR 2023 strips (maybe?), front cover mocked up by me (based on lengthy fax discussions with Dave), inside front cover letter from the Interim Head of SDOAR Division (probably?), inside back cover ads for GFM & Ashcans (probably?); back cover black with review quote. Still working on where the list of donors will be, either inside front cover, back cover, or in a hologram on the front cover for the special deluxe collector's edition.

Ashcan #1: 28 pages including cover. Pages 22 - 45 from Dropbox, front cover mocked up by me, inside front cover letter from the Interim Head of SDOAR Division (probably?), inside back cover ads for GFM & Ashcans (probably?); back cover black with review quote. Still working on where the list of donors will be (come on, it's only been a few seconds!), either inside front cover, back cover, or in a hologram on the front cover for the special deluxe collector's edition (that's a joke).

Now back to how one can donate and get another ashcan added to my to-do list.

Just the Facts, Ma'am
  • If you have not donated >> $5+ donation grants access to all 46 pages and all pages moving forward! 
  • If you have donated (thanks!!) >> GoFundMe does not have an option for monthly subscriptions. So... if you want to donate on a monthly basis, please do so as we are on the final days of month #3.
  • GoFundMe is a dreadful communication platform -- if you haven't heard back from me, gotten access to the new pages, etc., please email me at jen@typingmonkeys.com
SDOAR 2023 GoFundMe -->> https://gofund.me/4e2e1c96 <<-- SDOAR 2023 GoFundMe

Lower-Priced Pledge Items!

This week I have a few Cerebus in Hell? duplicates available, including Swords of Cerebus in Hell? #1 (signed) *and* Hell o' Dali with cover and a few strips by yours truly (fine! Dave and David might have helped a bit) one signed by Dave and one unsigned by Dave. Happy to add my John Hancock or not as the case may be. 

Make me an offer for any items that tickle fancy -- and we'll see if we can move the GFM numbers a bit in the process!
Interested? Email me at jen@typingmonkeys.com and make me an offer that I can't refuse.

SDOAR 2023 GoFundMe -->> https://gofund.me/4e2e1c96 <<-- SDOAR 2023 GoFundMe
Just the Fax, Ma'am

Turns out we did have one piece of production art mailed out during the TMNT #8 madness for donor David Beale who unlocked a page. And fear not, I supplied Dave with the Elrod Bunny details.
SDOAR 2023 GoFundMe -->> https://gofund.me/4e2e1c96 <<-- SDOAR 2023 GoFundMe

That's all I got!



Birdsong said...

Peachtree Street. My aunt lived on one of those in Nashville, but I think you mean the one in Hotlanta. And something about MM getting a face to face with a moving vehicle.

Jen said...

Gold star, David!

-Not a robot