Happy Christmas Eve!
Dave decided to provide an update on where he stands with The Strange Death of Alex Raymond and thank everyone who has donated so far. Truly, 'tis a Christmas treat!
Dave, take it away!
<sniff> I think there might be something in my eye. <sniff> And only four raffle tickets sold so far. <sniff> Y'all know this is one of *my* stuffed Cerebus, right? <sniff>
Fine. Whatever. Next person to donate $25 will have a one in five chance to win, so can't you help a gal out?
So if you have ANY interest in helping out the GoFundMe to support Dave Sim continuing his work on The Strange Death of Alex Raymond *and* getting a chance to win this fabulous Cerebus plush, make a donation right now!
Rules to win the December Raffle and Help Out SDoAR
Entries (or our equivalent of raffle tickets) cost $25 each and can be donated via lump sum to the Strange Death of Alex Raymond 2024 GoFundMe campaign through Monday, January 13, 2025 at midnight, PST.
I will then randomly assign numbers to each entry and have Dave pull yet another Karnak, and I'll announce the winner on January 14, 2025. Cool?
SDOAR GoFundMe -->> https://www.gofundme.com/f/sdoar-2023
Just the GoFundMe Facts, Ma'am
- $16,100.00 raised to date from 273 donations
- 84 new pages released as mocked up by Dave Sim from 11 June to 29 December 2021
- 105 total pages available on Dropbox, including Dave's 2019 mocked-up pages
- $100.00 away from unlocking page 106
- If you have not donated > $5+ donation grants access to all 105 pages and all pages moving forward
- If you have donated, thank you, but if you want to donate monthly, GoFundMe does not offer that option, so please do so as we are nearing the end of month #12 of Year 2.
The Strange Death of Alex Raymond Preview, Part 49
The following are links to previous updates that featured pages from The Strange Death of Alex Raymond hardcover. If you click on the links in order, you can begin to devour the magnum opus that is the Strange Death of Alex Raymond...This,
Ciao!Jen x
SDOAR GoFundMe -->> https://www.gofundme.com/f/sdoar-2023 <<-- SDOAR GoFundMe
It's oddly encouraging to see a prospective end date for the SDOAR project, even one so far off. There was a time in my life when March 2004 seemed endlessly ahead. Granted, 20 years later for both me and Dave reduces the odds that we both get there but it's sure something good to hope for. Happy Christmas, Dave, Jen, Matt, and fellow AMOCers.
Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas, Michael! ...and ditto to all fellow AMOCers!!!
Whoops! Way too many "anonymous" posts from Wednesday. Don't ever wanna be anonymous. 😁
Merry Christmas, joyous Iul, and happy New Year.
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