So, I own twenty-six issues (out of twenty-eight published) of Cerebus in Hell? (I'm missing The Undateable Cerebus, and Giant-Size Jingles (sorry Hobbs).)
And I've read them all, so here's some thoughts on the most recent issues.
The LGBTQetc. People

The most recent One-Shot: Ya know, the one that the Tweeters can't get enough of.
My impression when I read it the first time was: It's funny, but not "Laughing Out Loud and freaking out the wife and kids" funny like some of the other issues, but okay. It did kind of feel "padded out", and would have been better as a reprint issue with less new strips.
On second read: I chuckled a lot more, I mean, it's stupid. But it's SUPPOSED to be stupid. That's what makes it funny.
AMOC AD in the back review: It's both me and my logo, so "yay." "A peaceful oasis away from the dumpster-fire that has taken over the internet" It's like they KNEW what the reception was going to be...
Matt's score (on a scale of one to ten): 6 (ya know, for June. Pride Month...)
Cerebus Woman

This one is loads funnier than LGBTQetc People. Lots of chuckles, couple of belly laughs. (Page ten, panel two is missing the end quote in Cerebus Woman's word balloon. So that's a knock.) The cover alone makes me giggle.
Re-read notes: It gets funnier as it goes. I start chuckling, and then laughing and finally I about "bust a gut" and get little tears in the corners of my eyes... "(FIFTY DOLLARS LOOKING FOR A PAIR OF EARPLUGS OVER HERE) (I'LL DOUBLE THAT. C-NOTE HERE. EASY C-NOTE FOR EARPLUGS) HA!
AMOC AD review: Both me: "yay." "The Internets Premiere website to criticize and nit-pick every word Dave Sim writes!" Alright, fess up, who's been sending Dave the comments from the Genesis Question posts?
Matt's Score: Starts at an 8, and builds to an 11 (yup, like Spinal Tap, this one goes to eleven.)
Super Cerebus Annual

This one gets a "10" right out of the gate because I got it for free. Signed by Dave. Personalized to me. Plus my name is in it. SIX times. (And I only paid to have it in there once. That's value for your money folks!)
Re-read notes: The Jingles joke on the cover reminds me of an as yet unwritten Iguana and Beer joke: So I'm going to someday do "The Origin of Iguana and Beer", and the cover is going to be two panels, one on top of the other first panel: "THE ORIGIN OF BEER!" and the image is a list of all the ingredients you need to make beer (wheat+barley+water+time etc. =Beer) And the second panel "THE ORIGIN OF IGUANA" is a girl Iguana and an Iguana with a tie and mustache on top of her, and he says "Sorry honey, but the phone startled me!"
AMOC AD review: Two mes. Not sure how I feel about The Unbeddable Vark getting the quote spot though...
Matt's Score: 10. I already said that.
Sim City That Issue After

This one causes some turmoil for me. My Uncle is a banjo player. I once had a job helping him sell "cookie tin" banjos. So I know a WHOLE LOT more about Banjos then you would think. The idea that Dave Sim, the creator of the series I've inherited the Blog of, might be a banjophobe...well, I might have to "rethink" this Interim Editor thing... (Also, I had suggested a parody of the same cover, and got rejected, so it could just be jealousy. (But COME ON! "Sim City: That Zip-a-toned Bastard" is the superior title!))
Re-read notes: "***** this word balloon just wasn't very funny." HA! The thirteenth strip is a "re-hash" of a strip from the first three issues. (It's still funny, but I don't know if this is a "running gag" or if "Grandpa is having Senior Moments again"...
Wait, there's another book INSIDE this book? (Yup, a sequel to Teenage Mutant Ninja Cerebi: Teenage Money-Nabbing Cerebi!)
AMOC AD review: Two mes again "yay." Well, when Sean or David spring a "surprise" on me it does update more than once a day. Plus there's the comments...
Matt's score: 7. The two books thing is either a "bonus" or a cheap way out of the corner Sim painted himself into. (not sure which...
This things aren't paying for themselves, so why not support "Team Aardvark*" and get a little something-something in return, by buying a Postcard from hell? The next Kickstarter is up and running.
And send pics of your @#$%ING Flimsy postcards From Hell? to Most bent to @#$% postcard wins a valuable prize from Dave Sim! (I might have the winner...)
Next time: Matt reviews the next four issues of Cerebus in Hell? "yay."
*I tried to get them to be "Team Vanaheim", but nobody bit...
Hello, This is Colin Upton. I'm trying to reach Dave but I can't find a way so I'm trying here in an act of desperation. In a Cerebus Update video (I cannot find) he mentioned he was missing some of my recent mini-comics and I would like to include them in a package I'm about to send his way if only I could find out what they are! Could you please tell Dave?
Thank you
I'll send something up to Dave tomorrow, but the best way to get a hold of him is to call (519) 576-0610, and leave a message.
Dave just got back from a week's vacation.
Matt Dow
Thanks, but I can't really afford to call long distance.
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