Wednesday, 31 May 2023

The Aversions #1... IN STORES NOW!

Benjamin Hobbs:

It's the last Wednesday of the month! Time to roll into your LCS and DEMAND the newest CIH? one-shot.  This month's entry: The Aversions #1. Available both signed and unsigned:


Now available to order from Diamond: Aardvarkian Splendor #1. Signed by Dave and not signed by Dave:

Also available, The Last Day:

We're thinking about doing Aardvarkian Splendor variants.  The two tiny covers featured on the regular cover.  But as full covers. Let us know in the comments if you'd be interested:

Next Week: MORE Cerebus in Public Domain Romance comics!

Tuesday, 30 May 2023

SDOAR 2023 #22: Decision Emo 2023 FINAL RESULTS 🚨

Wait, what's with all the text? I thought Jen was going to crush Manly in the next installment of SDOAR 2023? What's going on here?!? First Succession ends, now this?!?

It's all good. I just wanted to have a word with the AMOC readership before returning to our regularly scheduled entertainment.


Dear Readers of A Moment of Cerebus,

How's it going? 

Let me cut to the chase... these Tuesday SDOAR 2023 updates are supposed to be an attempt to raise awareness for The Strange Death of Alex Raymond and the GoFundMe campaign I launched to help Dave not only continue work on SDOAR (not SODAR, Manly), but hopefully, one day, God willing, as he would say, finish it. (In fact, you can check out the GoFundMe at this handy-dandy link right here:

Along the way, I thought it might be fun to have a few laughs. Poke fun at myself and others as off-screen and Emo versions of ourselves. The reason I chose Emo Dave, Emo Carson and now Emo Manly is that they are not actually those individuals, but mini-caricatures that run rampant across the SDOAR 2023 comic strip. When it first started, folks seemed to enjoy it, donations picked up, and some readers even called for a a comic book collection of strips (UPDATE: Or not 🤦‍♀️). I gotta admit, that was cool. And, perhaps, the strip went to my head.

Since then, I feel (yes, feel, dammit) like a mini war has developed between Manly and me, which I tried to deescalate with the "Mistakes Were Made" original art by Dave Sim as an olive branch to Manly and an acknowledgement to the AMOC community that any awkward tension felt by readers was something that I was the sole progenitor of. Mea culpa and all those other pretentious latin phrases, etc.

Audience reaction? Crickets. Comments either non-existent, critical, or let's face it, bidding on some one-of-a-kind Cerebus item. All those lovely tweets that used to go up after my posts have come to a shrieking halt. All the while, understandably, Manly keeps upping the ante every week -- the red highlighter/Seiler impersonation added to my published post, retaliatory/preemptive posts on Monday nights (meaning my in-kind responses need to be thought up and executed overnight), and this week, copy that I wrote for today's post appropriated by Manly for his post yesterday AND artwork that I commissioned from Dave and had not yet used, used with his admittedly funny strip AMOCnutz strip on AMOC yesterday.


Are mom and dad having a fight?


I don't mind keeping this rolling. Really, I don't. I like sarcasm and barbs. Parry, riposte. Check... um... check? To ensure things don't get prematurely appropriated again, I can compose my posts away from AMOC. I can work with Rolly to ensure SDOAR art reward and commission scans go only to me. I mean, once I post them, they're fair game. And the art is Emo Manly. If anyone has the right to abscond with that art for their own comedic devices, it's Manly. I mean, it's his giant freakin' head.

But here's my thing. I don't know if the AMOC readership is enjoying the tit for tat. The anything-you-can-do, I-can-do-better, point-counterpoint comic strips. I also fear our responses are about to get out of hand (if they haven't already). 

This is Manly Matt Dow's A Moment of Cerebus. He owns the joint. The AMOC landlord, if you will. I'm merely renting. On Tuesdays. And he's got the keys to my proverbial apartment. 

What's my point? Well, I could be off-base. This slow-motion train wreck could be the most fun AMOC readers have had since Reads! (That's a joke, son). 

Or, enough is enough!

Which is why I am asking AMOC readers to add in the comments what they think. 

"Keep it up, Jen and Manly!"

"Tone it down, y'all!"

"The ribs! Hit 'im in the ribs!"

"Can mom and dad please stop fighting?"

"Jen, you really are too sensitive. Less with the feelings and more with the jokes!"

It'll be like that time readers decided to murder Robin. Or when that polar research ship got named Boaty McBoatFace. 

Okay, maybe not the best examples, but let us know what you think! 

In the meantime, I'm going to put the SDOAR 2023 comic strip on the back burner (with the stove off), and not add any more gasoline to the fire whilst I wait on everyone's vote, something I like to call:



Puncheminnaface/rollwithit/fight/EmoMichaelR/riposte: 34 votes
Beware Dave's comic art metaphysics/drop it:                1 votes


    Now where did I put that quote? Oh, here it is...

    "Having been a long term Patreon supporter I figured it was time to donate here and unlock another page."                                    - Dion Turner, GoFundMe Donor

    And very much appreciated by me and Dave. So much so, that despite Dion refusing any rewards for unlocking a page, Dave cobbled together a few freebies anyway!
    Looking to receive your own piece of production art? Simply donate enough to unlock the next page (every $200) and we'll get Dave to take care of you! Just remember to confirm if you want it signed, personalized, any recommended personalization, and Bob's your uncle! 

    If you want something super special, like the Emo Manly that Manly prematurely absconded with, please reach out to me at and we'll see what sort of donation Dave might have in mind.

    SDOAR 2023 GoFundMe -->> <<-- SDOAR 2023 GoFundMe

    SDOAR GoFundMe Tote Board

    And in case you thought I was exaggerating, below is the copy and paste, right down to the extraneous period:
    • *ONE* new pages unlocked since last week
    • $6,055.00 raised from 106 donations (plus $62.08 outside of GoFundMe).
    • 34 new pages released as mocked up by Dave Sim from Jun. 11 to Sep. 6, 2021
    • 55 total pages available on Dropbox, including Dave's 2019 mocked-up pages
    • Only $145.00 away from unlocking page 56
    Just the Facts, Ma'am
    • If you have not donated >> $5+ donation grants access to all 55 pages and all pages moving forward! 
    • If you have donated (thanks!!) >> GoFundMe does not have an option for monthly subscriptions. So... if you want to donate on a monthly basis, please do so as we are in the final days of month #5.
    • GoFundMe is a dreadful communication platform -- if you haven't heard back from me, gotten access to the new pages, etc., please email me at
    SDOAR 2023 GoFundMe -->>

    Jen's Non-Stressful Giant-Sized Ashcan(s) Update
    Proofreading on issue #1 continues. We found at least one typo (where's Seiler when you need him?) and a bunch of minor adjustments to make. Issue #0 is still in progress. Fingers crossed we can drag these across the finish line in June, and get them in everyone's hands in July. Did I say fingers crossed?
    How Low Can She Go? Cerebus #14, 15, 16!
    Next up on the block are Cerebus issues #14, 15 and #16. Good clean duplicate copies I bought as a collection -- never opened by me! 
    Make me an offer for all three -- or any individual issues you might be missing from this week or a previous week -- and I'll donate the proceeds to the SDOAR GoFundMe campaign!

    If you are interested, you should know the drill by now -- email me at and I'll get you sorted!

    SDOAR 2023 GoFundMe -->> <<-- SDOAR 2023 GoFundMe

    That's all she wrote!


    Sunday, 28 May 2023

    "Thing like that'll really hurt a guy, y'know?"

    Hi, Everybody!

    The latest eBoner is LIVE:

    Bidding starts at $49 CAD, Bid Increments are $8 CAD, when you bid you have to compliment Meghan:
    It ain't hard, she's pretty easy on the eyes...
    Auction ends come Hell or High Water at 3PM (CST) tomorrow.

    Winner will be announced in tomorrow's post.

    Remember: the Auction ends TOMORROW, and say nice things about Boner's assistant.
    "I dunno, that's a lot of red, ya got anything with...less?"

    Indeed we do Imaginary AMOC Reader that lives Rent-Free in my head, over on, you can get a The Last Day Remarqued Edition RIGHT NOW! Just $99 CAD (that's Canadian, Eh, Dollars. Like $72.72 American.)

    "Well sure, but what about us guys on the other side of the planet? Like say in...Madagascar?"

    Well King Julian, you can get one too, indeed! The Last Day Remarqued Editions are available Internationally! 
    Shipping for international is:
    International Surface = $35 Canadian dollars - takes 1.5 - 3 months to get
    International Air = $75 Canadian dollars - takes 1 - 2 months to get
    They'll run you 320,968.34 Ariary. Plus either 113,473.65 or 243,157.83 Ariary for shipping. (What the #%&* kind of backwards currency is worth 3,242.10 to ONE Canadian Dollar?)

    So, "Move it! Move it!" on over to, and get yours, OR if you find Remarques distracting:
    CEREBUS TP VOL 16 THE LAST DAY NEW PTG SGN ED Or if you have enough copies of Dave's signature: CEREBUS TP VOL 16 THE LAST DAY NEW PTG (O/A) These are the new printing WITH the "The Last Day" sticker on the spine to cover up the "Form & Void" F***-UP.

    If you'd rather have the misprint, But then you're gonna have to pony up for the Remarque...

    Anyway, if YOU want YOUR copy of the Remastered The Last Day to be personalized (like mine is), you need to pay at, then call (519) 576-0610 and leave a message for Dave explaining that you bought a copy (I'd say what the name that paid is, so Dave can verify with Eddie. Like if you're Murray, but paid, I'd say "Hi Dave! This is but, I paid for a Remarqued The Last Day at, and would like it personalized "To Murray!" please. I've been a fan since you threw poop at Thomas Wolfe at the Met..." (Ya know that the tape DOES run out, right?...) OR, if you have the technology, you could fax your PayPal receipt to (519) 576-0955 to prove to Dave that you paid, and include your personalization request. Or if you know Eddie's email (I do. I know all sorts of stuff. Like the address of the Off White House. And who Queen Anne was. And why that matters. It's all in the AMOC Editor's Book of Secrets...), you could email Eddie with your personalization request, and make HIM tell Dave to write "To Murray!" on your Remarqued The Last Day that you bought from for $99 Canadian Dollars.).
    The TMNT 8 IndieGoGo. Ends SOON!
    Heritage has three pages from Cerebus Jam #1! And Akimbo! And The Lone Vark & Lone Turtle paintings! But not until the second of June. Which is the day AFTER Dave and I record the June Please Hold For Dave Sim. If you got a question, send it in to and I'll send it up to Dave.
    Hey Matt!
    Could you add a link to SDOAR 2023 GFM at the bottom of your posts on AMOC?
    Oh you'll get YOURS DiGiacomo! And your little dog too!
    Oliver's Cerebus movie: The Absurd, Surreal, Metaphysical, and Fractured Destiny of Cerebus the Aardvark it's currently available on "Plex", "Xumo", "Vimeo On Demand", "Tubi". If you're in Brazil..."Mometu", "Nuclear Home Video".
    Up to 35% off site-wide:  
    May 28-29
    Tell your fans! Remind them that everything will be up to 35% off 
    Next Time: Queen Anne, Queen. Anne.

    Saturday, 27 May 2023

    "You missed some by the heel..."

    Hi, Everybody!


    You heard the cartoon doggie. $49CAD starting price, $8CAD bid increments. 24 hours, starting at 3PM (central standard time) tomorrow. Auction ends at 3PM CST on Monday. Comment with your bid and your pleasantries for Her Megness...


    Over on, you can get a The Last Day Remarqued Edition RIGHT NOW! Just $99 CAD (that's Canadian, Eh, Dollars. Like $72.72 American.)

    "But Matt, I live in Peru, can I get one too?"

    Well Pedro, you can indeed! The Last Day Remarqued Editions are available Internationally! 
    Shipping for international is:
    International Surface = $35 Canadian dollars - takes 1.5 - 3 months to get
    International Air = $75 Canadian dollars - takes 1 - 2 months to get
    They'll run you 266.74 Sol. Plus either 94.30 or 202.07 Sol for shipping. 

    So, click on over to, and get yours, OR if you find Remarques distracting:
    CEREBUS TP VOL 16 THE LAST DAY NEW PTG SGN ED Or if you have enough copies of Dave's signature: CEREBUS TP VOL 16 THE LAST DAY NEW PTG (O/A) These are the new printing WITH the "The Last Day" sticker on the spine to cover up the "Form & Void" F***-UP.

    If you'd rather have the misprint, But then you're gonna have to pony up for the Remarque...

    Anyway, if YOU want YOUR copy of the Remastered The Last Day to be personalized (like mine is), you need to pay at, then call (519) 576-0610 and leave a message for Dave explaining that you bought a copy (I'd say what the name that paid is, so Dave can verify with Eddie. Like if you're Satipo, but paid, I'd say "Hi Dave! This is, I paid for a Remarqued The Last Day at, and would like it personalized "To Satipo!" please. I've been a fan since you threw me the idol and I threw you the whip..." (Ya know that the tape DOES run out, right?...) OR, if you have the technology, you could fax your PayPal receipt to (519) 576-0955 to prove to Dave that you paid, and include your personalization request. Or if you know Eddie's email (I do. I know all sorts of stuff. Like the address of the Off White House. And where in Tanis lies the final resting place of the Ark of the Covenant. It's all in the AMOC Editor's Book of Secrets...), you could email Eddie with your personalization request, and make HIM tell Dave to write "To Satipo!" on your Remarqued The Last Day that you bought from for $99 Canadian Dollars.)
    The TMNT 8 IndieGoGo. Yesterday's thing was what I thought it was:
    *Dave leak*

    Heritage has three pages from Cerebus Jam #1! And Akimbo! And The Lone Vark & Lone Turtle paintings! But not until the second of June. Which is the day AFTER Dave and I record the June Please Hold For Dave Sim. If you got a question, send it in to and I'll send it up to Dave.
    Hey Matt!
    Could you add a link to SDOAR 2023 GFM at the bottom of your posts on AMOC?
    Oh you'll get YOURS DiGiacomo! You'll. Get. Yours!
    Oliver's Cerebus movie: The Absurd, Surreal, Metaphysical, and Fractured Destiny of Cerebus the Aardvark it's currently available on "Plex", "Xumo", "Vimeo On Demand", "Tubi". If you're in Brazil..."Mometu", "Nuclear Home Video".
    Up to 35% off site-wide:  
    May 27-29
    Tell your fans! Remind them that everything will be up to 35% off 
    Next Time: The auction starts!

    Friday, 26 May 2023

    Under the gun (Dave's weekly update #487)

    Hi, Everybody!

    Dave's Weekly Update:
    eBoner Update: picking up where we left off on Monday, I got the scans, so take it away Boner:

    (Click for biggers on all these.)
    Cerebus #1 Panoramic Remarque:

    Cerebus #1 Close-up Panoramic Remarque:

    Into The Light Maximum Remarque:

    Christon gets "first dibs" at buying:
    1. All three for $765 CAD
    2. Two for $510 CAD
    3. Just one for $255 CAD
    And he gets to pick which cover(s) he wants if he picks option 3 or 2. 

    AND, if Christon picks 2 or 3, Ian gets the option of buying:
    1. One for $205 CAD
    2. Two for $410 CAD
    And AND, if Ian chooses #1, Spatula gets the option of buying:
    1. One for $130 CAD
    Obviously, Ian would get his pick of cover(s), and Spatula's just lucky Christon and Ian need rent money...

    Christon check your inbox...

    And HEY! Did you miss out? Well when the NEXT round of Covers goes "Live" on eBoner, you, yes YOU(!) can get a chance to bid like a Mother#%&*er and land your VERY own Panoramic Remarque. (And maybe Megs will show you what's in her case...)
    "#%&* Matt I don't need no fancy Remarque, just a head shot would satisfy my The Last Day needs..."

    Well Imaginary AMOC Reader that lives Rent-Free in my head, have I got the Rigamaroley update for you...
    Over on, you can get a The Last Day Remarqued Edition RIGHT NOW! Just $99 CAD (that's Canadian, Eh, Dollars. Like $72.72 American.)

    "But Matt, I was mailed to Abu Dhabi by my neighbor's asshole cat in the mid-80s. Can I get one?"

    Well Nermal, you can indeed! The Last Day Remarqued Editions are available Internationally! 
    Shipping for international is:
    International Surface = $35 Canadian dollars - takes 1.5 - 3 months to get
    International Air = $75 Canadian dollars - takes 1 - 2 months to get
    They'll run you 267.06 Dirham. Plus either 94.41 or 202.31 Dirham for shipping. (Lasagna NOT included...)

    So, click on over to, and get yours, OR if you find Remarques distracting:
    CEREBUS TP VOL 16 THE LAST DAY NEW PTG SGN ED Or if you have enough copies of Dave's signature: CEREBUS TP VOL 16 THE LAST DAY NEW PTG (O/A) These are the new printing WITH the "The Last Day" sticker on the spine to cover up the "Form & Void" F***-UP.

    If you'd rather have the misprint, But then you're gonna have to pony up for the Remarque...

    Anyway, if YOU want YOUR copy of the Remastered The Last Day to be personalized (like mine is), you need to pay at, then call (519) 576-0610 and leave a message for Dave explaining that you bought a copy (I'd say what the name that paid is, so Dave can verify with Eddie. Like if you're Odie, but paid, I'd say "Hi Dave! This is, I paid for a Remarqued The Last Day at, and would like it personalized "To Odie!" please. I've been a fan since the cat hit me with a rolled up copy of Flight..." (Ya know that the tape DOES run out, right?...) OR, if you have the technology, you could fax your PayPal receipt to (519) 576-0955 to prove to Dave that you paid, and include your personalization request. Or if you know Eddie's email (I do. I know all sorts of stuff. Like the address of the Off White House. And who actually reads this gag. It's all in the AMOC Editor's Book of Secrets...), you could email Eddie with your personalization request, and make HIM tell Dave to write "To Odie!" on your Remarqued The Last Day that you bought from for $99 Canadian Dollars.
    The TMNT 8 IndieGoGo. Here's a thing:

    Let's hope those weren't just 10 sets for Dave and the Archive...
    Heritage has three pages from Cerebus Jam #1! And Akimbo! And The Lone Vark & Lone Turtle paintings! But not until the second of June. Which is the day AFTER Dave and I record the June Please Hold For Dave Sim. If you got a question, send it in to and I'll send it up to Dave.
    Hey Matt!
    Could you add a link to SDOAR 2023 GFM at the bottom of your posts on AMOC?
    Oh you'll get YOURS DiGiacomo! You'll. Get. Yours!
    Oliver's Cerebus movie: The Absurd, Surreal, Metaphysical, and Fractured Destiny of Cerebus the Aardvark it's currently available on "Plex", "Xumo", "Vimeo On Demand", "Tubi". If you're in Brazil..."Mometu", "Nuclear Home Video".
    Up to 35% off site-wide:  
    May 26-29
    Tell your fans! Remind them that everything will be up to 35% off 
    Next Time: While I work, AND work on the SECRET Project Codenamed: "Queen Anne", More High Society pages. Unless Dave faxes something pressing...

    Thursday, 25 May 2023

    The Origins of Astoria


    A few years ago I scanned all of Dave Sim's notebooks. He had filled 36 notebooks during the years he created the monthly Cerebus series, covering issues #20 to 300, plus the other side items -- like the Epic stories, posters and prints, convention speeches etc. A total of 3,281 notebook pages detailing his creative process. I never really got the time to study the notebooks when I had them. Just did a quick look, scanned them in and sent them back to Dave as soon as possible. So this regular column is a chance for me to look through those scans and highlight some of the more interesting pages.

    Last week in What Happened Between Issues 20 and 21 we look at pages 70 and 100 of Dave Sim’s second notebook used in the production of Cerebus. We’ll continue to look at this notebook this week with two pages that show Dave’s first sketches of Astoria.

    Wait a second, this isn’t Astoria. Well it doesn’t really look like her.

    Notebook #2, page 66

    On the page prior to the above one, Dave had written a bunch of dialogue for the character who would become Astoria. On the above page he had this to say about it in the digital High Society collection: 

    Mary Astor doing Brigid O’Shaughnessy in THE MALTESE FALCON and Cerebus. . .instead of Humphrey Bogart doing Sam Spade. “I’m begging you for your pity. I can tell by your face. . .I can sense that he’s done something wrong. . .” NOW I had something to work with. But she looked too much like Katherine Hepburn. Without Spencer Tracey there is absolutely nothing funny about Katherine Hepburn.

    On the next page we see Astoria as she appears in High Society.

    Notebook #2, page 67

    Dave said this about the page:

    I got the look I needed pretty quickly. She had to be a serious character but she also had to be able to chew the scenery as Brigid O’Shaughnessy when required.

    Wednesday, 24 May 2023

    More CIH? Public Domain Romance

    Benjamin Hobbs:

    Here's an entire page of panels, grabbed from a variety of (theoretically) public domain romance comics. I enjoy how the hair styles of the woman look close enough to one another that they start to look like the same woman.  The word balloons were drawn the size they were on the swiped panels. Therefore, they differ in size a lot. I'm inclined to remove them and add new ones digitally, as is the CIH? way. 

    Next Week: It's the last Wednesday of the month! New CIH? at your LCS!

    Tuesday, 23 May 2023

    SDOAR 2023 #21: FOUR New Pages! Ashcan Sneak Peek! Emo Manly?

      "Dave Sim has brought much joy to me with his creations."          - Bob Zupancic, GoFundMe Donor

    As he has to the rest of us.

    Now onto the latest SDOAR 2023 strip, introducing our third Emo character, found only in the Typing Monkeys Gazette!

    Jen's Non-Stressful Giant-Sized Ashcan(s) Update

    How about a sneak peek of the first Giant-Sized Ashcan proofs?!? Caveat emptor, Dave has final approval, so who knows how much will change between now and final versions!

    SDOAR GoFundMe Tote Board

    Since the tote board didn't make it into this week's strip (really, what's the point of these strips?!?), let's get an up-to-the-minute SDOAR 2023 GoFundMe campaign update:
    • *FOUR* new pages unlocked since last week
    • $5,805.00 raised from 101 donations (plus $62.08 outside of GoFundMe).
    • 33 new pages released as mocked up by Dave Sim from Jun. 11 to Sept. 4, 2021
    • 54 total pages available on Dropbox, including Dave's 2019 mocked-up pages
    • Only $195.00 away from unlocking page 55
    Just the Facts, Ma'am
    • If you have not donated >> $5+ donation grants access to all 54 pages and all pages moving forward! 
    • If you have donated (thanks!!) >> GoFundMe does not have an option for monthly subscriptions. So... if you want to donate on a monthly basis, please do so as we are nearing the end of month #5.
    • GoFundMe is a dreadful communication platform -- if you haven't heard back from me, gotten access to the new pages, etc., please email me at
    SDOAR 2023 GoFundMe -->>

    Just the FAQs, Ma'am

    In response to my last post, Manly wrote, "As long time readers of AMOC have figured out, I, Manly Matt Dow, don't really edit what gets posted on my 'off days'. This is due to my long standing policy of not being Jeff Seiler. (First established in 2006 or 2007. (whenever he crashed on my couch for a week...)) BUT, given the EGREGIOUS error in the second sentence of Jen's 'apology', I've broken with TRADITION and gone through her post and highlighted the mistakes in red. Like Seiler...

    "So, first, THANKS JEN! and THANKS DAVE! for the FIRST 'on model' Beer Dave has ever drawn. ('Mistakes Were Made.' Dave Sim's motto since 2006 or 2007. (whenever he sent the 'Two Rivers Beer' drawing (I think that was the first time he F-ed up Beer...)) And, second, S**** YOU Jen for making me feel dirty by impersonating a dead Cerebite. I need a shower. AND, and. And, third, the third number is higher than Dave's age when he started Cerebus, but lower than his age when he finished Cerebus. (New Yorkers have bed frames. I seen it on TV. YOU might not have one, but that's only because you're 'some Yenta-with-more-money-than-brains' who spends all her hard earned moola on kid-in-the-bunny-suit merch instead of at Bed, Bath, & Beyond like a normal person (hence why they're going out of business...). And I NEVER said the footlocker was under YOUR bed, I said 'but also the location of the bed it's hidden under... '. And like a Pace Picante Salsa ad, it too is incredulous at the thought of being in 'New. York. City!' I turn interested parties to the Circle K plastic bag in the ol' AMOC prize box which contains:
    • A street level map of Pawtucket Rhode Island
    • copies of Adam West's entry in the Yellow Pages
    • Three dimes from the 1970s
    • A used copy of 'Free Cerebus'
    • A dozen fortunes from fortune cookies
    • And a signed Milwaukee Braves baseball from the 1950s
    The clues to where the Foot Locker is stashed are there, but can it be found? The Shadow Knows!!!"

    Jen responds with, "After quietly correcting all the typos and removing all the red highlights aside from my use of 'Dave Slim', I added a comment stating, 'I think you need to work on your Seiler impersonation. The only "error" I see is my use of "Dave Slim" which is a much worn out and intentional Glamourpuss gag I've been using in all of my faxes to Dave the past few years. You're really going to have a field day with the Giant-Sized SDOAR 2023 issues with faux articles that contain errors on purpose, them being a parody of ill-informed reporters and all. On the bright side, I'm not going to feel guilty when Emo Manly makes his first appearance next week.'"

    Not realizing what I had done, Bill Ritter chimed in with, "The most egregious error I see is Emo Manly's failure to close his parenthesis... ('(New Yorkers have bed frames. I seen it on TV. YOU might not have one, but that's only because you're 'some Yenta-with-more-money-than-brains' who spends all her hard earned moola on kid-in-the-bunny-suit merch instead of at Bed, Bath, & Beyond like a normal person (hence why they're going out of business...).'). Sloppy work, Emo-M."

    I cannot express how much joy that brought me. It's the little things in life, am-I-right?

    Just the Fax, Ma'am

    Here is the complete piece of art that Dave drew for Manly as my reward for unlocking several pages.
    Looking to receive your own piece of production art? Simply donate enough to unlock the next page (every $200) and we'll get Dave to take care of you! Just remember to confirm if you want it signed, personalized, any recommended personalization, and Bob's your uncle! 

    If you want something super special, like I got above, please reach out to me at and we'll see what sort of donation Dave might have in mind.

    SDOAR 2023 GoFundMe -->> <<-- SDOAR 2023 GoFundMe

    How Low Can She Go? Cerebus #17, 18, 19!

    Next up on the block are Cerebus issues #17, 18 and #19. Good clean duplicate copies I bought as a collection -- never opened by me! Make me an offer for all three -- or any individual issues you might be missing -- and I'll donate the proceeds to the SDOAR GoFundMe campaign!
    If you are interested, you should know the drill by now -- email me at and I'll get you sorted!

    SDOAR 2023 GoFundMe -->> <<-- SDOAR 2023 GoFundMe

    That's all she wrote!
