Tuesday 16 May 2023

SDOAR 2023 GoFundMe #20: Jen's Mea Culpa aka Mistakes Were Made

 "Mistakes Were Made."  

That's a pretty ubiquitous phrase around these parts thanks to the The Last Day spine calamity. But we here at A Moment of the Strange Death of Alex Raymond (a subdivision of A Moment of Cerebus) like to acknowledge when mistakes exist near our non-legally binding orbit. And we are concerned that Ms. Jennifer DiGiacomo may have overstepped appropriate levels of sarcasm whilst "poking" at the esteemed Mr. Manly Matt. The entire point of this endeavor is to raise funds via GoFundMe for Mr. Dave Slim to continue working on SDOAR, not engage in a spat with a fellow AMOC-er that leaves our readers staring at their feet, waiting for the awkwardness to go away.

To that point, we have recruited Last Day Cerebus to extend an olive branch to Mr. Manly Matt to de-escalate any tensions that might exist as a result of Ms. DiGiacomo's innately unbridled sarcasm. Last Day Cerebus, would you mind reading the official statement?
If you would like to send someone a similarly worded non-apology that accepts no responsibility for someone's action, simply unlock a page or three at https://www.gofundme.com/f/sdoar-2023 and Dave will be happy to oblige.

In this particular instance, the original art reward from Ms. DiGiacomo's reluctant donation is making its way to the non-aggrieved party, one Mr. Manly Matt Dow.

With that resolved, we now return to our regularly scheduled programming. 

<Do we think anyone bought that?>

Jen's Non-Stressful Giant-Sized Ashcan(s) Update

In what sounds like another carefully worded statement but isn't, we continue to make progress on Giant-Sized Ashcan #0 whilst waiting for the physical copies of Giant-Sized Ashcan #1 proofs to make their way to our respective mailboxes for our first wave review, which should hopefully be this week.

More on why we are doing two different proofs of each issue next week. Unless Jen needs to make another non-apology.

SDOAR GoFundMe Tote Board

Since the tote board didn't make it into this week's strip (really, what's the point of these strips?!?), let's get an up-to-the-minute SDOAR 2023 GoFundMe campaign update:
  • $5,340.00 raised from 99 donations (plus $62.08 outside of GoFundMe).
  • 30 new pages released as mocked up by Dave Sim from June 11 to August 30, 2021
  • 51 total pages available on Dropbox, including Dave's 2019 mocked-up pages
  • Only $60.00 away from unlocking page 52
Just the Facts, Ma'am
  • If you have not donated >> $5+ donation grants access to all 51 pages and all pages moving forward! 
  • If you have donated (thanks!!) >> GoFundMe does not have an option for monthly subscriptions. So... if you want to donate on a monthly basis, please do so as we are in the third week of month #5.
  • GoFundMe is a dreadful communication platform -- if you haven't heard back from me, gotten access to the new pages, etc., please email me at jen@typingmonkeys.com
SDOAR 2023 GoFundMe -->> https://www.gofundme.com/f/sdoar-2023

Just the FAQs, Ma'am

Tony Dunlop asks, "So when does Emo Dave get his own book?"

Jen responds with, "Well, let's see what Dave says about including the strips in the Giant-Sized Ashcans. If not, I can always look into doing a one-shot! I guess this does beg the question. Would there actually be interested in a collection of the strips, plus new pages?"

Manly states, "Either I get the money, or I let everybody know, not only the last number in the combination, but also the location of the bed it's hidden under... "

To which Jen parries with, "Wait. You want Dave's money? Really? Is this like a Bizarro-Robin Hood a.k.a Dennis Moore situation? And while we're at it, maybe you posh Midwesterners have beds with platformed bed frames, but us New Yorkers put our box springs directly on the floor and/or couch surf. <sigh> So much for the olive branch!"

Just the Fax, Ma'am

Margaret Liss! In the house! This is another case of grandpa forgetting about a donor who unlocked a page. But never fear, Mags, Dave's got you covered! Just look at that inscription!
Want something like this for yourself? Well, you're never going to top Cerebus Fan Girl, but you can get something nice! Simply donate enough to unlock the next page (at every $200) and we'll get Dave to take care of you! Just remember to confirm if you want it signed, personalized, any recommended personalization, and Bob's your uncle! As always, email Ms. DiGiacomo at jen@typingmonkeys.com with any questions!

SDOAR 2023 GoFundMe -->> https://www.gofundme.com/f/sdoar-2023 <<-- SDOAR 2023 GoFundMe

How Low Can She Go? Cerebus #20, 21, 22!

Next up on the block are Cerebus issues #20, 21 and #22. Good clean duplicate copies Ms. DiGiacomo bought as a collection -- never opened by her! Make us an offer -- and we'll kick the proceeds over to the SDOAR GoFundMe campaign!
If you are interested, you should know the drill by now -- email Jen at jen@typingmonkeys.com and we'll get you sorted!

SDOAR 2023 GoFundMe -->> https://www.gofundme.com/f/sdoar-2023 <<-- SDOAR 2023 GoFundMe

With Legally Kind Regards,


As long time readers of AMOC have figured out, I, Manly Matt Dow, don't really edit what gets posted on my "off days". This is due to my long standing policy of not being Jeff Seiler. (First established in 2006 or 2007. (whenever he crashed on my couch for a week...)) BUT, given the EGREGIOUS error in the second sentence of Jen's "apology", I've broken with TRADITION and gone through her post and highlighted the mistakes in red. Like Seiler...

So, first, THANKS JEN! and THANKS DAVE! for the FIRST "on model" Beer Dave has ever drawn. ("Mistakes Were Made." Dave Sim's motto since 2006 or 2007. (whenever he sent the "Two Rivers Beer" drawing (I think that was the first time he F-ed up Beer...))
And, second, S**** YOU Jen for making me feel dirty by impersonating a dead Cerebite. I need a shower.
AND, and. And, third, the third number is higher than Dave's age when he started Cerebus, but lower than his age when he finished Cerebus. (New Yorkers have bed frames. I seen it on TV. YOU might not have one, but that's only because you're "some Yenta-with-more-money-than-brains" who spends all her hard earned moola on kid-in-the-bunny-suit merch instead of at Bed, Bath, & Beyond like a normal person (hence why they're going out of business...). And I NEVER said the footlocker was under YOUR bed, I said "but also the location of the bed it's hidden under... ". And like a Pace Picante Salsa ad, it too is incredulous at the thought of being in "New. York. City!" I turn interested parties to the Circle K plastic bag in the ol' AMOC prize box which contains:
  1. A street level map of Pawtucket Rhode Island
  2. copies of Adam West's entry in the Yellow Pages
  3. Three dimes from the 1970s
  4. A used copy of "Free Cerebus"
  5. A dozen fortunes from fortune cookies
  6. And a signed Milwaukee Braves baseball from the 1950s
The clues to where the Foot Locker is stashed are there, but can it be found?

The Shadow Knows!!!

Next Time: It's Dave's Birthday, and also Hobbs' turn to post. Will those two things tie together?


Michael R. said...


Jen said...

I think you need to work on your Seiler impersonation. The only "error" I see is my use of "Dave Slim" which is a much worn out and intentional Glamourpuss gag I've been using in all of my faxes to Dave the past few years. You're really going to have a field day with the Giant-Sized SDOAR 2023 issues with faux articles that contain errors on purpose, them being a parody of ill-informed reporters and all. On the bright side, I'm not going to feel guilty when Emo Manly makes his first appearance next week.

Dion said...

How ‘used’ is that copy of Free Cerebus?

Bill Ritter said...

The most egregious error I see is Emo Manly's failure to close his parenthesis... ("(New Yorkers have bed frames. I seen it on TV. YOU might not have one, but that's only because you're "some Yenta-with-more-money-than-brains" who spends all her hard earned moola on kid-in-the-bunny-suit merch instead of at Bed, Bath, & Beyond like a normal person (hence why they're going out of business...).").

Sloppy work, Emo-M.