Friday 20 December 2019

Forbes interviews Bill Sienkiewicz (Dave's Weekly Update #318)

Hi, Everybody!


Darrell Epp
The Silver Cerebus

And Friend to the Blog, Greg Hyland is running the next volume of The Monster Atlas on Kickstarter.

And then:

The Varking Dead

Next Time: A Cerebus Fan Gift Guide...(Send the link to your friends and family)


Birdsong said...
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Jeff said...

Appropos of nothing here, is Spock's father's name pronounced "Saureck" or "Saireck"? The name is Sarek.

And, on a related note, how badly does "star Trek: Discovery" suck?

Jeff said...

Star Trek Discovery. My smartphone hates me.

Jeff said...

Okay, so.

I liked it when ... Dave? ... no, I think somebody else wrote that when his girlfriend had asked him (now that I'm writing this, I'm thinking that maybe Darrell wrote it and Dave passed it along) what it was that he liked so much about her, he replied (after thinking for a moment),

"Well it's an ineffable quality."

She replied, "Are you saying that I'm unfuckable!?" and left in a huff. Her favorite mode of conveyance.

Or, this is just Oscar Wilde writ large.

Regardless, funny. And, telling. And accurate about *some* women's characteristics.

Sorry, ladies, but I tell it (as does Dave) like I sees it.

I absolutely love (and have loved) the women that are smarter than that.

Okay. Now all of you Feminists of both genders, have at me. And, have fun. But none of what I wrote above is sanctioned by Dave.

(Sorry, man.)

Tony Dunlop said...

Jeff, you'll find your answer around the 1:30 mark:

Tony again said...

Oh dear - while searching for that clip, I learned that Dorothy Fontana, writer of so many early Trek episodes, died earlier this month.

Thanks for everything, D.C. Your legacy is assured.

Damian T. Lloyd, Esq. said...

Jeff just can't stop slagging women behind their backs, can he? Poor boy must have a complex. Or maybe just a simplex.

-- Damian

Damian T. Lloyd, Esq. said...

On a related note: pretty badly.

-- Damian