Friday 6 December 2019

SILVER CEREBUS (Dave's Weekly Update #316)

Hi, Everybody!


The Silver Cerebus

Next Time: "Hey it's the first Saturday of the month! You talked to Dave right?" Well, I got good news and bad news...


Jeff said...

As I say to all newbies when I'm singing karaoke, "Anyone can sing karaoke; just sing the song you always sing in the shower." And, I say, "Anyone who has the balls to get up there and sing deserves applause." 🎬 👨‍🎤 🎛 💰

So, Dave?


(Man, I am *not* gonna get that song out of my head for at least the rest of the night.)

Brian West said...

Dave could take this on the road. Like Sean said on FB it's "Simnatra," but sans the Jack Daniels and cigarettes.

Tony Dunlop said...

I sang karaoke once. That's when I learned, the hard way, that not only could Karen Carpenter hit higher notes than I can, she could also hit lower notes than I can.

In other words - I butchered it. (The song was "Close To You," which I was singing to and for my wife.) (And yes, I have always loved, and will always love, The Carpenters.)

Jeff said...

Right there witcha, Tony. I wore out that album when I was a kid. I can't match her highs, but I can definitely meet her lows.

Brian West said...

I can kinda hang but my range is limited: "Strokin" and "She's like the Wind" are my go tos.

Tony one more time said...

Well, I sing tenor in my church choir - I can't get much below the middle of the bass clef. Unless I have a cold.