Wednesday 14 July 2021

Corrections and Previews

Benjamin Hobbs:

Sean Robinson brought to my attention a HUGE mistake on the credits page of SWORDS OF CEREBUS IN HELL? Currently, it reads "All compositing, colour, and other 'Tech Side' happenings, by Sandeep Atwal. Additional compositing by Benjamin Hobbs"

Sean pointed out that this was inaccurate, as it didn't credit HIM, for his work on these volumes. He asks that in future editions of the book, the credits read as:

"Digital lettering, covers, and color by Sandeep Atwal.
Final image compositing and prepress by Sean Michael Robinson."

Here is the corrected indicia of Volume 1, if you want to print it out and slip it into your book:

This erroneous line is in the first 5 volumes of SWORDS. There will be proper attributions in Volume 6 forward. 

As was reported in the Updates of the SWORDS OF CEREBUS IN HELL? V1 and V2 Hardcover Kickstarter campaign (and re-reported by Matt, right here on AMOC), all of the rewards have shipped! (Except the two that belong to backers who haven't filled out backer reports! If this is YOU, please take the time to fill it out and I'll ship your books!)

The International Books are taking their time to arrive, but are all on their way!

I know there are still backers waiting on their books, but to keep the ball rolling, on this monthly publishing schedule, the next Kickstarter has to go up next week.  This campaign will last 14 days.

The Pre-Launch page is up now!

This campaign will feature both Volumes 3 and 4 of the SWORDS OF CIH? Hardcovers, as well as SIX new trading cards as stretch goals!

Next Week: SWORDS OF CEREBUS IN HELL? V3 and V4 Kickstarter Launches!

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