Saturday 8 January 2022

Please Hold For Dave Sim 1/2022


In case you haven't heard already, this week Matt Dow has taken some well-deserved R & R. So, before Matt left he had asked around for somebody who could pinch hit for him for this month's PLEASE HOLD. So, I volunteered.

Have a listen!

-- Brian West

As I was only able to record the audio, there more than likely will not be a video portion to this edition [Unless Manly edits this when he returns, God willing, from vacation.] 

That being said, here's a breakdown of the segments for this episode: 

0:00 -- 22:00 First, Dave has a BIG ANNOUNCEMENT! 

22:00 -- 28:40 Introduction of guest host by Matt and TWO Jeff Seiler stories (a super-quickie from Brian, and a Quickie by Matt)

29:00 -- 35:51 First Question from author MJ Sewall and breaking up with big corporations

35:52 -- 49:00 Dave relays parts of a letter he received from MJ Sewall which leads to Dave answering another question from MJ. 

49:00 -- 56:46 Which leads to Dave responding to another question MJ posed in his letter, about the logistics of finishing CEREBUS. 

57:00 -- 57:13 flip the Record

57:19 -- 1:14:09 Dave answers a question about the process in creating GLAMOURPUSS.

1:14:11--1: 14:39 Dave has an offer for fans who have read all of CEREBUS straight through and have multiple questions to ask about the work and related work. 

1:15:17 -- 1:27:32    MJ  Sewall asks Dave another question: beside the influences Dave mentions in SDOAR, are there any other modern comics creators whom he respects that does photo realistic work?

1:27:42 -- 1:41:36   Dave responds to a question from Mikhail Bocharov, the official translator of Cerebus in Russian. Mikhail asks how Dave felt after he had published CEREBUS #300 (MARCH 2004)? 

1:41:47 -- 1:51:01   Michael R. from Easton, Pennsylvania asks Dave if he has made any New Year's Resolutions for 2022? 


Anonymous said...

Rich L says:

First of all...thank you for the Swordfish.

Second, I really missed the YouTube version. No notification and the audio player made it a painful listen.

(Big fan of Paine's Common Sense...a big part of my grad school experience, but) Jesus, Full God/Full Man taught his twelve and sent them out after the Pentecost. While alive he sent out the 72. This is the Holy Mother Church as instituted directly by God during His material life. Is the Holy Mother Church what God wanted? Yes! He was the cornerstone. His Words and Work established a ministry that survived His mere 33 years.

This was not proof read, sorry Jeff.

Brian West said...

Good morning, Rich. Thanks for listening.

When I get the chance to fill-in again I will look into finding a way to post on YouTube as well. Thanks for opining.

biglou said...

Hello - Does anyone have Eddie Khanna's email address? Thanks for any help. Lou