Monday 18 April 2022

"Eggs? EGGS!?!" (I got a signed copy of Batvark: A Poet In The Family for the first person to get that reference...)

Hi, Everybody!

How was your Easter?

I worked. Then I posted about Turtles 8.

John Glismann had an EGGcellent "Iest-er":
As he says:
Yeah, this happened.

As he says:
…as an egg. Follow my logic here. While coloring Easter eggs the other day, it occurred to me that if you say “Gerhard” backwards, it (sort of) sounds like “Draw egg.” Thus, I felt that I had to draw his famous cover to High Society... on an egg. Make sense? You may notice that Gerhard is possibly slightly more talented than I am.

And again:
…but they’re eggs.
Please fill out your surveys so I can get the copy Travis is buying from me.
Also, if you missed out like Al, there's an IndieGoGo.
Heritage, they got a bunch of neat Cerebus stuff. Including three pages of original art...
Sean & Carson have a store with TWO misprinted copies of SDOAR with "Blue Meanie" sketches.

They're doing a contest:
Living the Line is celebrating 1000 subscribers with a Giveaway. Use the hashtag #Livingtheline on #twitter #Instragram #Facebook or #Tiktok to discuss your favorite LTL book or video, to share a post about one of our upcoming books, or to draw attention to the LTL youtube channel. The prize....2 awesome pieces of custom art directly for you, one portrait illustrated by Sean Michael Robinson and a "Google Grab-bag sketch" by Carson Grubaugh. Entries are Due by 4/22/22.

I'd say "good luck" but I wanna win, so "go to Hell ya basta'ds!"
Speaking of Subscriber Contests, Cerebus Online reached 1500, so now to figure out who wins the Amazing Prize...
Oliver's Cerebus movie: The Absurd, Surreal, Metaphysical, and Fractured Destiny of Cerebus the Aardvark is currently available "Plex", "Xumo", "Vimeo On Demand", "Tubi".
Up to 35% off site-wide:
April 27-30
Tell your fans! Remind them that everything will be up to 35% off -- that means $13 tees, $20 phone cases, $30 hoodies, and way more!

Next Time: What else can I swipe from Facebook?


Michael R. said...

Runaway Bride

Mouse Skull Entertainment said...


Not what I was referring to.

(It's a comic, if that helps...)

Michael Grabowski said...

New favorite post!