Sunday 17 April 2022

Pieces of Turtles 8: Both editions, in ONE place...

Hi, Everybody!

Mail call:

"Oooh what ya get Matt, what 'd ya get?"
My copy of Pieces of Turtles 8: US edition

Which goes with:
Now I have to figure out what name to put on the Canadian POT8 #2...

Speaking of Pieces of Turtles 8, the latest update:
Hi everyone,

We have just one backer left to hear from. Upon learning that last backer resides in Australia, Dave said, "LOL, Australians are never in a rush because it's going to take three months to get there no matter what."

So, backer 149, let us know when you can, but your copy of POT8 gets later every day you wait.

The good news is the paper problem was sorted out faster than expected so all copies of POT8 have been printed and most have been shipped or will be shipped very soon.

POT8.2 will be sent to the printer today so he can send a proof to Dave for final approval. This means the Kickstarter campaign will begin soon, we hope before the end of April. This second issue will be similar in format, but instead of a hand-made, fanzine look, it was compiled on a computer for a slicker presentation. We'll leave it up to backers to decide which look they like and who knows what the 3rd issue might look like. There is already plenty of material for a third issue and probably a fourth, but we'll see how the next KS campaign does before a final decision.

Thanks to everyone for following along and your continued support.
And then:
Printer and StudioComixPress cofounder, Alfonso Espinos signs the printer's proofs. And some guy called Dave, too.

How the @#%& you print a proof AFTER the books have been printed AND shipped, I have no idea...
Please fill out your surveys so I can get the copy Travis is buying from me.
Also, if you missed out like Al, there's an IndieGoGo.
Heritage, they got a bunch of neat Cerebus stuff. Including three pages of original art...
Sean & Carson have a store with TWO misprinted copies of SDOAR with "Blue Meanie" sketches.

They're doing a contest:
Living the Line is celebrating 1000 subscribers with a Giveaway. Use the hashtag #Livingtheline on #twitter #Instragram #Facebook or #Tiktok to discuss your favorite LTL book or video, to share a post about one of our upcoming books, or to draw attention to the LTL youtube channel. The prize....2 awesome pieces of custom art directly for you, one portrait illustrated by Sean Michael Robinson and a "Google Grab-bag sketch" by Carson Grubaugh. Entries are Due by 4/22/22.

I'd say "good luck" but I wanna win, so "go to Hell ya basta'ds!"
Speaking of Subscriber Contests, Cerebus Online reached 1500, so now to figure out who wins the Amazing Prize...
Oliver's Cerebus movie: The Absurd, Surreal, Metaphysical, and Fractured Destiny of Cerebus the Aardvark is currently available "Plex", "Xumo", "Vimeo On Demand", "Tubi".
Up to 35% off site-wide:
April 17
Tell your fans! Remind them that everything will be up to 35% off -- that means $13 tees, $20 phone cases, $30 hoodies, and way more!

Next Time: Something...


Michael Grabowski said...

Happy Easter, fellow AMOCicilians. As a Bible-reading Christian believer, I am intrigued by Dave's idiosyndratic take on theology and his possibly too-close reading of scripture. I'm also a little uncomfortable about it, but I appreciate that he made it a part of his Cerebus story. Granted, Chasing YHWH seems even less like comics than the text parts of Reads, and I'm still undecided as to whether the aardvark's change in character works or was shoe-horned into it. Anyway, I hope today's a good Sunday for everyone checking in here, however you regard it.

Steve said...

Matt asks:

"How the @#%& you print a proof AFTER the books have been printed AND shipped, I have no idea..."

Which is essentially my point in an AMOC comment down there towards the bottom of the page on 12 April.
It's NOT a printer's proof.
It's simply another gimmicky low-print cover produced under a dishonest name.

For 8.2, howsabout an honest name, something along the lines of "Alfonso's Signed Edition".

Unless honesty isn't particularly observed with Dave's 'idio-syncretistic" belief system.


yeah, the gloves come off
And while typing the above I actually thought, "I wonder what Seiler would say about this."

Brian West said...

Thank you, Michael.

Had a good service at my local church (The Book of Revelations was the basis for my pastor’s sermon, which seemed odd at first but worked for me in the end) and then I had my sister and her family, a cousin of mine, and one of my best friends over for Easter dinner. I fixed homemade Mac and cheese, sis brought over some broccoli, and I bought some Honeybaked Ham and we were all set. It was a lovely day.

To my Orthodox brothers and sisters: hope y’al had a good Palm Sunday and wish you all a good Holy Week.

Tony Dunlop said...

Thanks, Brian. This is Orthodox Holy Week; at least one, usually 2, services every day! (Three on Holy Friday.) We finish around 2:30 am Sunday, then we feast together until dawn. (We've been on a "vegan" fast since March 6.)

And Michael, there are LOTS AND LOTS of people out there who think *they* are the only ones who *really* understand the Bible. Some are merely crackpots; some are genuine charlatans. I just ignore them.