Saturday 19 March 2022

The 60ft Dave Sim Raids Again!

Hi, Everybody!

Okay, old business:
Pieces of Turtles 8: [Joe Friday voice:] "The fax your about to read is real. Only the names have been blacked out to protect the innocent..."


Then I got this Fax:
Which is the continuation of last Saturday's post.
I faxed up to Dave:
Dave's first response was:
And I responded with this image:
And Dave came back with:
And my FIRST reaction was:
And my SECOND reaction was:

And I hadn't even gotten the photos yet...

Well that's neat...


What's he doing now?




As I said in my last Fax: The 60ft Dave Sim is a MONSTER! A MONSTER I TELLS YA!!!

...Somebody get the smelling salts for Margaret!!!

Anyway, bidding on the "OH NO! THERE GOES TOKYO!!!" copy starts at $20 American. (If Dave's selling it. He might set it on fire to "goose" the viewing figures for the Weekly Update...)
Heritage, they got a bunch of neat Cerebus stuff. 
Oliver's Cerebus movie: The Absurd, Surreal, Metaphysical, and Fractured Destiny of Cerebus the Aardvark is currently available "Plex", "Xumo", "Vimeo On Demand", "Tubi".
Up to 35% off site-wide:
March 23 – 27
Tell your fans! Remind them that everything will be up to 35% off -- that means $13 tees, $20 phone cases, $30 hoodies, and way more!

Next Time: Oliver and the plans for Mecha-Sim (It's the ONLY way the Earth Defense Force will be able to stop him!!!)


Dion said...

That Dave Sim, whatta prankster. I’ve heard he’s big in Canada.

Mouse Skull Entertainment said...



He's HUGE!!!

Manly Matt Dow

john g. said...

A little something to make us happy. Will this be offered at a… reduced price?

Margaret said...

what. the. fuck.

You need to warn me about such shenanigans and tomfoolery before I see that . . .that. . .ugh. Come on man. Not like this. Not like this.

Mouse Skull Entertainment said...

John g.:
I see what you did there...

The more important question is how quickly can it be bootlegged?

Trigger Warnings are for pansies...

MANLY Matt Dow

Tony Dunlop said...

Actually, the XSenate voted to do away with STANDARD time. If this becomes law, then where I live, at 45 degrees north latitude, in December and January the first light of day will begin at 8 am, with the sun coming up 45 min. to an hour later.
This was tried in the 70s but was quickly rescinded because parents in the North hated their little darlings going off to school in the pitch dark...

Birdsong said...

Leave it to the government to take an idea that almost anyone can get behind and then do it the wrong way. I agree that Standard time is the better option. Sleep studies confirm that Daylight Savings Time messes with Circadian rhythm and pisses off old farts like me. But I can learn to live with not setting my clock forward or back no matter when they choose to end it. It's a matter of just doing it and getting used to it. There is very little "just doing it" anymore.

Brian West said...

The name's Dow. Matt Dow. (cue Dragnet music)

Mouse Skull Entertainment said...

Tony again has left a new comment on your post 'The 60ft Dave Sim Raids Again!':

By the by, as a member of the "comics are for reading" contingent, I must point out that we do know better than to fold back a comic book when reading it.

Stupid fat fingers...
(WHY is the "publish" button so damn close to the "delete" button?!?)

Tony again said...

By the by, as a member of the "comics are for reading" contingent, I must point out that we do know better than to fold back a comic book when reading it.