Jen is still in Edinburgh, still at Fringe, and still referring to herself in the third person.
$600 has been raised in the past week, with 23 raffle tickets sold, and *one* more page unlocked!
That means you have only one week to get in on the action for Cerebus #3, 5, and 6!
Odds are currently 1 in 23 chance of winning!
Rules to win Cerebus #3, #5 and #6, and Help Out SDoAR
Entries (or our equivalent of raffle tickets) cost $25 each and can be donated via lump sum to the Strange Death of Alex Raymond 2024 GoFundMe campaign through Monday, August 19, 2024 at midnight, PST.
I will then randomly assign numbers to each entry have Dave pull yet another Karnak, and I'll announce the winner on August 20, 2024.
SDOAR GoFundMe -->>
Just the GoFundMe Facts, Ma'am
- $14,302.00 raised to date from 240 donations
- 75 new pages released as mocked up by Dave Sim from 11 June to 14 December 2021
- 96 total pages available on Dropbox, including Dave's 2019 mocked-up pages
- $98.00 away from unlocking page 97
- If you have not donated > $5+ donation grants access to all 96 pages and all pages moving forward
- If you have donated, thank you, but if you want to donate monthly, GoFundMe does not offer that option, so please do so as we are in the middle of month #8 of Year 2.
SDOAR GoFundMe -->>
I've just contributed $25 to the SDOAR GoFundMe. Does that mean I'm in the raffle now?
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