Saturday 3 August 2024

I'm busy, so here's the end of High Society

 Hi, Everybody!

I'ma supposed to be posting Please Hold For Dave Sim 8/2024, but I'm not done making all the videos and getting them on YouTube. I'll have them done for tomorrow. 


To make it up to Everybody, here's the End of the High Society portion of the 2019 Reread:

Okay, back to listening to the sound of my own voice...

Next Time:

1 comment:

ChrisW said...

It's been slow and isn't really clear to read, but I've been going through all those High Society pages. Been a while since I've read the book and I'm really surprised at how good it is. Everything built quite naturally. If there's a weak point, it's that too many crucial parts of the story depend on knowledge of what happened before, like the invading Conniptons (or whatever the 'fight fight fight' guys were) and the final pages where Cerebus finds the albatross.

Lord Julius was entertaining enough to get away with that, the Roach might be entertaining enough, or just annoying in his own right. Otherwise I'd forgotten how great a book this was.