Sunday 11 June 2023

It's MY birthday and you'll cry if I want you to...

Hi, Everybody!

Much to the chagrin of the folks who Dave sent The Cerebus Widescreen Remarque Auction Catalogues (IE: NOT me), here's a video of all the Remarques that are in there:

If you want one, the options are:
  1. Wait for me to find out when the Auction is supposed to go live, and start it.
  2. Just send an email to with the amount you're willing to spend (anything under $100 will be laughingly ignored). And I'll see if Dave'll take it.
  3. Buy an Auction catalogue from for $25 and find out when I'm supposed to Auction it.
  4. #2. I have no fucking clue when these things are supposed to happen. And I don't know what Dave is pricing these at. AND I don't know how quickly they're supposed to run. And AND I really don't care. If Dave had wanted to run these things smoothly, he'd have made sure I (THE AUCTIONEER) knew what the hell was going on. Since I believe these things are supposed to make Dave money, that's how I'ma gonna run 'em. Cash. On. The. Barrelhead. Or, as it is written: "Money talks. Bullshit walks."
So, if one of these tickles your fancy, shoot an email, and tell me what # you're interested in, and how much you're willing to spend ($100 MINIMUM. You can get a regular Remarque for $99, you AIN'T getting a fancy one for cheaper. PLUS, Dave will probably throw in all sorts of nifty extras for you.)

Okay, I'ma go enjoy my 44th birthday with my family. All sorts of Rigamarole down below.

Manly Matt Dow
(I'm not grumpy, you're grumpy.)


Jen said...

Happy, happy!

Michael R. said...

Happy Birthday, Manly!!!!

Steve said...


No way!!

Are you sure you're not off by a decade there?

#13 had me telling Cerebus 'gesundheit'.

And still I say: Matt doesn't get pad enough to shovel this....


Michael Grabowski said...

Matt, happy birthday. Thanks for being the ringleader of this circus. You're doing fine work.

Birdsong said...

Happiest Birthday, Manly. May your camel’s nose always be under someone else’s tent.

Christon said...

¡Feliz cumpleaƱos Mateo 'El Manly'!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Manly!

I hope it was a good one for you.


A Fake Name