Saturday, 10 December 2016

$21,038 @ 1:40 pm MIND-BOGGLING!

[It still boggles my mind that I can make $1,000 on a Saturday between 10 am and 1 pm just "nattering" at people.  Again, very, very sincere thanks]

This whole thing with the CEREBUS RESTORATION POSTCARD, it seems to me, dovetails -- in some way, I think -- with the KICKSTARTER ALPHA list I was talking about.  I'm not sure how, exactly, but I think we need to move to a point where someone who is in the Jeff Seiler or Margaret Liss category -- "you create it and I will buy it" -- should have that acknowledged and have the structure of how we're doing this tweaked in whatever way that makes it easy for them.

We definitely want to have it tied directly to the Kickstarter numbers.  The postcards need to be machine-numbered and you automatically get YOUR number.  However many #1 postcards we end up doing, the first 250 or 225 or so are automatically accounted for.

I think a discount makes a lot of sense.  If you've been here for all six Portfolios, you get a discount on your First Day Cover CEREBUS RESTORATION POSTCARDS.  And stamps.  And you're first in line for them.  

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