Friday 28 April 2023

The Last Day "Remarque Edition" (Dave's weekly update #483)

Hi, Everybody!

Dave's Weekly Update:

The Last Day Remarqued Editions. 

$79CAD (Canadian funny monies with birds on it.) $58.33 USD. (Foreigners? I asked, you gotta wait and see... ) April 29th.
Starting April 30th, the price goes up $20CAD to $99CAD ($73.10 USD.) (Maybe if you guys would move to the right side of the world, you could get your Remarqued The Last Day. I hear the The United Kingdom is charging tariffs on EVERY parcel that has to be paid BEFORE it ships...)

If YOU want YOUR copy to be personalized (like mine is), you need to pay at, then call (519) 576-0610 and leave a message for Dave explaining that you bought a copy (I'd say what the name that paid is, so Dave can verify with Eddie. Like if you're Butch, but Leslie paid, I'd say "Hi Dave! This is Leslie, I paid for a Remarqued The Last Day at, and would like it personalized "To Butch!" please. I've been a fan since 1994 when I met you at a Con in blah blah blah" (Ya know that the tape DOES run out, right?...) OR, if you have the technology, you could fax your PayPal receipt to (519) 576-0955 to prove to Dave that you paid, and include your personalization request. Or if you know Eddie's email (I do. I know all sorts of stuff. Like the address of the Off White House. And Margaret's address. And Birdsong's in-seam. It's all in the AMOC Editor's Book of Secrets...), you could email Eddie with your personalization request, and make HIM tell Dave to write "To Butch!" on your Remarqued The Last Day that you bought from for $79 Canadian Dollars (don't they call them "Loonies" or something equally ridiculous?) tomorrow, or $99 Canadian Dollars after that (don't they have a two dollar coin too? Man, living where the sky is gray six months out of the year can drive ya a little nutty...).

And REMEMBER, not only is it the Remastered The Last Day, not only is it misprinted "Form & Void" on the spine:

Not only is it Remarqued by Dave with an Old Cerebus Head:

But it's signed by Dave and Gerhard (who'll be in Indiana next weekend, by the way,)!

(And if you're American, and the Canadian Dollar drops tomorrow, you might save more money...)

Well..."crikey!" I guess...

But wait!
So either get out your slide rules and start doing the math, or wait until this project is "airborne" and The Captain turns on the International Shipping light...
Swords of Cerebus Vol. 1 in Portuguese. 53% funded with 2 days left
Heritage has the page from Minds where Cerebus asks what the hell the things around his neck are. And other neat stuff.
New one!
Oliver's Cerebus movie: The Absurd, Surreal, Metaphysical, and Fractured Destiny of Cerebus the Aardvark it's currently available on "Plex", "Xumo", "Vimeo On Demand", "Tubi". If you're in Brazil..."Mometu", "Nuclear Home Video".
Up to 35% off site-wide:  
April 28-30
Tell your fans! Remind them that everything will be up to 35% off 
Next Time: Remarqued The Last Day...


Steve said...


Did Gerhard do some traveling to sign these, or sign unbound covers, or what?

The minutia police wanna know, don't you know!


Richard P. said...

Pesky wierdo from an non-real country here. So we have to wait, to (maybe) get the chance, to pay non-first day prices, in addition to the privilege of having to suffer over the top postage costs.

Is this a jumping off point? Should I streamline my A-V ordering process to the zero cost option? Shame since I date back to first edition High Society phonebook.

Probably not but.....

Mouse Skull Entertainment said...

Steve: I dunno. I assume he swung by Camp David, or Dave called him and asked? Please Hold I guess...

Richard P.: I just don't think Dave is there mentally yet. Once he knows that domestic sales are working the way he wants, he'll turn to the all the folks in the sunny vacation spots. I'm going to suggest a "foreign First Day" price to him, for when he gets to that point. (Maybe a First Day for The Last Day weekend because of Time Zones and some of you living in Next Week Tuesday...)


crazyyears said...

Anyone know how to buy this damned thing? No button for it on I seem to remember going through this before, but I cannot remember the solution.
Any help would be appreciated.

--- Michael Hunt

Mouse Skull Entertainment said...

I clicked on the picture on my phone and it opened PayPal. I'll have to try on my laptop, but it should just be as simple as clicking the picture.

crazyyears said...


Quick response much appreciated, but, with respect, cluck on the picture of what? I see no "Last Day remarqued" picture or button on CDL. What am I missing here?

--- Michael Hunt

Mouse Skull Entertainment said...


Um...try refreshing your browser?

(I guess I know what today's post is gonna be...)

(I'd post a picture in the comments, but I don't think I can do that.)

crazyyears said...


Again, much appreciated. The pic just never showed on my phone browser but I used my laptop and there it was, big as life.
Thanks for the help.

--- Michael Hunt

Anonymous said...

I ordered THE LAST DAY via Diamond and received the misprint. Is the A-V replacing them? Or is a new printing going to press which people will have to buy a second time?

Mouse Skull Entertainment said...


A-V is going to offer stickers for the spine.

There won't be a reprint until the thousand copies are all gone.
